PQN news and events

The next PQN Annual Forum will take place on 16 October 2023, 9.30am-5.30pm. This year’s theme is Remembering Dr Margaret Oates: The Past, Present and Future of Perinatal Mental Health.

Venue: Royal College of Psychiatrists, London

Price: £70 for members, £100 for non-members of the PQN network

Register to attend this event by 2 October 2023.

View the draft programme.

We are pleased to announce that we are now taking submissions for our annual PQN Artwork Competition for patients.

This is a competition open to all inpatient and community patients, who may have their artwork featured on future PQN publications and displays.

This year's theme is 'Reflections'.

When creating artwork, patients could:

  • Reflect on their perinatal journey;
  • Reflect on the person they have become;
  • Consider what they have learnt.

However, the theme is completely open to interpretation! We really look forward to receiving all submissions.

How to enter: Please send photographs of the artwork to the project team mailbox: perinatal-chat@rcpsych.ac.uk.

The PQN team regularly holds accreditation training which covers what an accreditation review is, how to prepare for it as a service being reviewed, and how to prepare for it as a reviewer.

Upcoming sessions

  • Thursday 6 July, 9.30am - 12.30pm. This event will be taking place virtually via MS Teams. To register for this event, please complete this short registration form.

For further information about these events, please contact the PQN project team at perinatal-chat@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Webinar #4 - Tuesday 15 September 2020

This webinar was jointly presented by perinatal mental health teams based in Staffordshire and West London. They talked about how they have been running online psychological interventions and discussed the logistics of their programme.

Webinar #3 - Thursday 23 July 2020

This webinar was hosted by Sarah Owens, a Community Perinatal Peer Support Worker from the Surrey and Borders Perinatal Mental Health Service. Sarah talked about how to cope with COVID-19 in a Perinatal Community Team.

Webinar #2 - Monday 22 June 2020

This webinar was presented by Mark Williams, an International Campaigner who is passionate about paternal mental health and why supporting all parents for their mental health will have far better outcomes for the family and the development of the child. He founded International Fathers' Mental Health Day and the #Howareyoudad campaign, for better services for new dads.

Webinar #1 - Thursday 28 May 2020

Hosted by Hayley Grainger, Nursery Nurse from the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

The webinar covered navigating the COVID-19 risk and worries with mothers, and addressed some perinatal nursery nurse concerns regarding COVID-19 and highlight possible impacts of COVID-19 on the mother and infant.

You can access recordings of all our webinars on the dedicated CCQI Webinars page.

Our next Special Interest Days will take place on Thursday 2 March 2023. This event will be held on Zoom and will be on the theme of 'Families'.

To register for this event, please complete this short form. A draft programme will be released nearer the time.

  • Free for all staff from PQN member services
  • £70pp for non-members

For more information, please email perinatal-chat@rcpsych.ac.uk.


We're very excited to announce the return of the PQN Art Competition!

We are looking for artwork submissions from mothers either currently accessing your services, or who have been recently discharged. The art competition is a great activity to get mothers involved in. Submissions can be in the form of any visual art that you can scan/take a photo of to email to us, such as paintings, drawings, photography, digital art etc. The theme this year is 'Hope and Recovery'.

The first prize is a £20 gift voucher and second prize is a £10 gift voucher. The winning piece will also be published across the front pages on PQN publications and reports for our next review cycles.

Please send all artwork submissions with the owner's first name and artwork title to perinatal-chat@rcpsych.ac.uk by the deadline Friday 26 August 2022. Please ensure you do not include the full name of patients on the submissions, and obtain consent for their first name and artwork title to be displayed.

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