QNPMHS: Who we are and what we do

The Quality Network for Prison Mental Health Services (QNPMHS) adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to quality improvement in prison mental health services. You can find out more about what we do and our processes below.

The Quality Network for Prison Mental Health Services engage services in an annual process of self and peer-review.

We aim to:

  • promote quality improvement
  • share best practice
  • encourage a culture of openness
  • create a model of engagement
  • help services plan improvements for the future
  • allow services to benchmark their practices against other similar services
  • demonstrate the quality of the care they provide.
  • Stage 1: Agree Standards

    The first edition of the standards for prison mental health services were created between 2013 - 2015 through extensive consultation with a variety of stakeholders.

    The latest edition can be found on our publications pages.

  • Stage 2: Self Review

    The self-review process is an opportunity for you to score yourselves and provide commentary against each of the standards for prison mental health services. You can say whether you have met, partly met or not met each criteria.

  • Stage 3: Peer Review

    The peer-review visit is a supportive process, encouraging you to reflect on your achievements and challenges, whilst also considering improvements for the future. A review team compiled of reviewers from other member services, as well as a Quality Network representative will visit your service. The day consists of meetings with mental health staff, partner agencies, managers and patients to highlight areas of achievement and areas for development.

  • Stage 4: Local Reports

    A draft report is sent to you and the peer-review team within four weeks of the peer-review date for their comments. The final report is issued only to you within eight weeks of the peer-review date. The report outlines the key achievements and challenges and suggests a number of action points for improvement for the following Cycle.

  • Stage 5: Annual Forum and Report

    At the end of the Cycle, an Annual Forum is held for members and those interested in the Quality Network.

    The day focuses on key trends from the past Cycle with presentations on specific areas relevant to prison mental health. The Annual Report explores each section of the published standards, drawing on key achievements, areas for improvements and solutions to common problems. Member services can benchmark their practices against others and gain ideas for service development from the presented examples of good practice.

Please contact us if you'd like more information on the network or you'd like to join.

Kelly Rodriguez
Programme Manager
Email: Kelly.Rodriguez@rcpsych.ac.uk
Tel: 0208 618 4063

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) at @rcpsychQNPMHS to keep up to date with Network updates, reviewer opportunities, events and more.

Take a look at which prison services are currently a member of the Quality Network for Prison Mental Health Services.

The cost of membership is determined by the number of teams within each Trust: 

  • 1-4 teams: £2,740.00 + VAT
  • 5-7 teams: £2,600.0 + VAT
  • 8+ teams: £2,470.00 + VAT

To receive more information about membership please email prisonnetwork@rcpsych.ac.uk.

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