About the Rehabilitation Services network
The Quality Network for Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (Rehabilitation) works with services to improve the quality of inpatient rehabilitation mental health wards and community rehabilitation services.We engage with staff, service users and carers in a comprehensive process of both self- and peer-review for services to work toward quality improvement and accreditation.
Face-to-face and remote reviews
We are delighted to announce that our peer reviews are now back up and running remotely and face-to-face.
Whilst the principles of peer review will remain the same, the aspects of the review visit have been adapted to ensure that members still receive a comprehensive review remotely. The remote review will use technology and online tools to conduct interviews, discussions, and reviews of evidence. We have also reviewed our standards in light of COVID-19 and have created additional guidance where current restrictions make it difficult to meet certain standards.
We encourage all members in need of a peer-review to begin work on their self-review.
To learn more about the new remote review process, and how members can get started with their self-review, please refer to the following documents:
- Rehabilitation Peer Review Handbook (Accreditation)
- Rehabilitation Peer Review Handbook (Developmental)
- Rehabilitation Handbook (Associate)
- Rehabilitation Inpatient Remote Review FAQ
- Rehab peer reviewer leaflet
Dates of our upcoming face-to-face reviews are below:
To sign up to a review, please contact us.
Ward | Trust | Review date |
Leverndale Hospital | Greater Glasgow and Clyde | Accreditation Tuesday 14 May 2024 |
Cygnet Colchester | Cygnet Healthcare | Accreditation Wednesday 23 May 2024 |
Southwark Community Rehabilitation Service | South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust | Remote Community Developmental Thursday 6 June 2024 |
Cygnet Woking | Cygnet Healthcare | Accreditation Wednesday 12 June 2024 |
Cygnet Derby – Wyvern Ward | Cygnet Healthcare | Accreditation Tuesday 18 June 2024 |
Newton Ward | Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust | Accreditation Tuesday 25 June 2024 |
We engage with staff, service users and carers in a comprehensive process of both self and peer-review, to enable services to identify areas of good practice and areas for development, working towards quality improvement and accreditation.
Member services are encouraged to use peer review and accreditation visits, and other member events, to share knowledge and ideas with others, thereby creating a mutually supportive environment which encourages learning and leads to positive change.
We review our members against our 4th edition standards for inpatient rehabilitation services and our 1st edition standards for our community rehabilitation services to assess the quality of their services.
We offer a variety of membership options including associate, developmental and accreditation membership.
All membership options include:
- A report specific to your ward
- The opportunity to be a peer and/or lead reviewer on developmental and accreditation reviews
- Reduced rates at our Annual Forum and Special Interests Days
- Annual report from the Rehabilitation Quality Network
- Newsletters of innovative practice happening in other inpatient rehab services
- Build relationships with member colleagues and experts, share knowledge, insight and best practice
- Learn from experiences and inspire innovation
- Access Knowledge Hub for further resources
- Get involved with our email discussion group
This membership's best for services that meet a set standard to achieve accreditation.
What’s involved?
- You’ll self-review your service against the standards over a three month period. This will include completion of patient, carer, staff and referrer questionnaires and a health record audit.
- A peer review team will visit your service for one day and praise your good practices as well as help you identify areas of recommendation prior to being seen at the Accreditation Committee.
- You will need to provide documentary evidence to show compliance against our standards.
- Your draft report will be discussed by our accreditation committee who will decide if your service can be accredited.
- Once awarded, accreditation lasts up to three years subject to terms and conditions.
How much is it?
£2,820 + VAT per year / £8,040 + VAT for 3 year membership
This membership's best for:
- Services who want to focus on the specific areas of the standards that are most useful to them
- New members of the network who’ve not had experience with the standards before
- Services who feel unable to go through the accreditation process
- Services who want to prepare for accreditation in the future
What’s involved?
- You’ll self-review your service against the standards over a three-month period.
- A peer review team will visit your service for one day and help you identify your areas of achievement and ways to improve your service.
- You’ll receive a report of findings from the review day.
How much is it?
£2,820 + VAT per year.
This membership's best for:
- Services who want to take advantage of the benefits of membership but may have financial constraints
- Services undergoing reconfiguration
- Services outside of the UK
What’s involved?
- You’ll complete a self-review against the standards.
- You’ll then receive an individualised report based on your reported performance against standards, bench-marking data and action planning templates.
- Option to attend reviews as a peer reviewer
How much is it?
£795 + VAT per year (it’s expected that most members progress to become developmental members within one year).
Please refer to our terms and conditions for membership in our joining form.
We are pleased to announce our first edition Community Rehabilitation Standards are now live.
Who are these standards for?
These standards are for service providers and commissioners of mental health rehabilitation services, to help them ensure they provide high quality patient-centred care to people with complex mental illness and their carers. These standards are designed to be applicable to all community rehabilitation services. It is recognised that there are a wide range of services within the ‘mental health rehabilitation’ umbrella which have different functions, purposes, and work with different patient groups.
If you're interested in signing up to our first edition community standards, please contact us.
We’re happy to help you with any questions. Please contact rehab@rcpsych.ac.uk with any queries.