Demand, Capacity and Flow QI Collaborative: Q&A session

Find out more about the second wave of the Demand, Capacity and Flow QI collaborative with this recorded online question and answer session.

Below you can watch a recording of the Q&A event for Wave 2 of the DCF Quality Improvement collaborative, and hear from:

  • Tom Ayers, Director, NCCMH
  • Amar Shah, National Clinical Director for NHS Improvement at NHS England and National Improvement Lead for Mental Health, RCPsych
  • Renata Souza, Senior Quality Improvement Advisor, NCCMH
  • Adele de Bono, Senior Quality Improvement Advisor, NCCMH

Since this video was recorded in October 2024, the NCCMH has confirmed that the collaborative will now launch in April 2025.

If you have any questions about the collaborative, contact the team at
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