Reducing Restrictive Practice Collaborative

Our Reducing Restrictive Practice Collaborative (RRP) aimed to reduce restrictive practice by one third in participating wards. All wards in the Reducing Restrictive Practice Collaborative measured the following types of restrictive practices, as defined in the operational definitions poster:

  • Restraint – to prevent, restrict or subdue movement of the body, or part of the body of another person
  • Seclusion – confinement in a room or physical space
  • Rapid tranquillisation – use of sedative medication by injection.

Resource booklet

We produced a resource booklet, detailing what we learned from the collaborative as well as the roles and resources that made successful quality improvement projects that reduced the use of restrictive practices.

The booklet can be downloaded as a PDF.

The resources on these web pages are free to use. We only ask that you acknowledge the author and source of any resources that you access on these pages.

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