Intellectual disability

We're here to help members improve their knowledge of psychiatry of intellectual disability.

Our membership includes all consultants, Speciality Trainees and Speciality Doctors working in ID in Scotland. We welcome any other junior grades joining our meetings eg. core trainees, Foundation Year doctors and GP Trainees.

We have an academic meeting once a year which we endeavour to rotate around the country and anyone interested should contact the Chair or Vice Chair. We also develop policy to promote the wellbeing of people with intellectual disabilities.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland and Northern Ireland are thrilled to announce their joint Faculty event for 2024, set to be held at the Cheval Grand Hotel in Edinburgh.  The theme of the conference is "Seeing the wood for the trees: co-occurring conditions in people with ID."  Find out more

Contact the Committee

Chair: Dr Jana De Villiers

Vice Chair: Dr Venkat Boyapati

RCPsychiS Office Contact: Angela Currie


  • Supporting people with learning disabilities - Guidance on why people with learning disabilities may experience difficulties in accessing formal procedures and how people at all levels in the criminal justice system can reduce these difficulties by following a number of good practice tips.

  • People with Learning Disabilities and the Scottish Criminal Justice System' - Seven “easy read” guides (listed below) for people with learning difficulties and their families and carers.


  • Enable
  • Turning Point Scotland
  • Key housing
  • GMC guidance Tomorrow’s Doctors expects graduates to understand and accept the legal, moral and ethical responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the health of individual patients, including vulnerable groups such as people with learning disabilities.

    Medical educators and trainers can use the website to highlight the needs of people with a learning disability, as highlighted in Good Medical Practice which applies to all patients.

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