NCCMH welcomes new sign ups to tackle health inequalities
A groundbreaking collaborative that uses quality improvement and co-production to help mental health organisations work with their local communities to tackle health inequalities across England has already attracted seven sign-ups to the launch of its Wave 3 programme in March.
The Advancing Mental Health Equity Collaborative – or AMHE as it’s known – began in 2021 and supported over 20 organisations, who worked with NCCMH QI coaches to drive improvements in access, experience, and outcomes for patients from the most marginalised groups.
Unlike the first two waves of AMHE, the Wave 3 offer is modular, targeting three levels of the organisation. It will help mental health services to use Quality Improvement (QI) techniques, empower middle management to connect across the organisation and support and develop leaders to nurture QI throughout their organisations.
The programme supports delivery of the national AMHE strategy and Patient Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) and is the first of its kind.
Groups that were focussed on in the previous waves of AMHE were improving access to mental health support for refugees and people seeking asylum, improving translation services in Northern Ireland, and improving access to mental health support for rural communities.
There is still an opportunity for organisations to sign up to Wave 3 until the end of the day on Friday 31 May.
For more information, please see our Advancing Mental Health Equity Collaborative Wave 3 page or email