Curricula training and information

Changes to Portfolio Online

We have made changes to the placement-specific personal development plan (PSPDP) in Portfolio Online, in response to feedback about it being time-consuming to complete and difficult to view.

The main differences are:

  • The PSPDP now automatically creates your PSPDP under the 16 HLO themes.
  • Comment boxes will now appear under the HLO rather than the Key Capability (so they no longer repeat).
  • The PSPDP is viewed per HLO rather than as a long list.
  • You no longer need to link your PSPDP to the HLOs (this is done automatically).
  • When you link activities to your active PDP it will automatically populate your PSPDP.
  • However, you will need to complete previous years PSPDPs on the e-portfolio to remove them from your active PDP.

We hope these changes will make the portfolio easier to use. The new process is set out in this guide:

Portfolio Online process – August 2023

eLearning course on all aspects of new curricula

We have drawn together all the information about the new curricula into an eLearning course for you. You can view it as often as you like, on any laptop or mobile device.

In September 2021 we submitted our final curricula framework submission to the GMC for approval, after a helpful and informative consultation exercise with key stakeholders.

We've conducted an extensive review of all psychiatric training curricula, to be implemented in August 2022.

They have been redrafted to meet the new standards set by the GMC, and make sure the training programme is in line with the  principles of the Shape of Training review

Under the new framework, each curriculum has been condensed and drafted around nine domains linking to the GMC Generic Professional Competencies. We have renamed our nine domains 'High Level Outcomes (HLOs)'  - these replace the previous 19 'Intended Learning Outcomes'.

In the same way we have reduced the hundreds of learning outcomes under each curriculum to a manageable number of Key Capabilities (KCs), written as behavioural learning objectives so that trainees can clearly see the skills that they need to develop. 

There is new focus on values, and on holistic, person-centred care, but fundamentally new and old curricula relate to the same critical skills that all consultant psychiatrists need.

In June 2022, we secured final approval for our curricula framework from the GMC. This represents a key milestone in the review programme and we now move to implementation.

We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this process for your support in getting us to this point.

If you have any queries about the curricula which can't be answered by the information on this Curricula Implementation Hub, please contact or come to one of the arranged drop in sessions and ask us in person. 

Most trainees will move on to the new curricula from the beginning of August 2022 and all trainees must have moved across by August 2024, as the GMC has stipulated.

Here are the specific transition times for different groups of trainees:

Trainee circumstancesWhen to transition
Trainees (WTE or LTFT) starting SCT1, CT2, ST4, ST5 in August 2022 / February 2023New curricula from August 2022 / February 2023
Trainees (WTE only) starting CT3 or ST6 in August 2022 / February 2023No requirement to transition
Trainees (LTFT under 50%) starting CT3 or ST6 in August 2022 / February 2023New curricula from August 2022 / February 2023
Trainees (LTFT 50% - 90%) starting CT3 or ST6 in August 2022 / February 2022If training will be complete before August 2024, remain on current curricula. If not, transition at first change of training year after Aug 2022 and before Aug 2024.
Trainees (LTFT) who are in placements that do not coincide with standard rotation times / ARCP panels.Transition at first change of training year after Aug 2022 or at beginning of new placement and before Aug 2024. PSR at end of each placement.
Trainees who are out of programme / on maternity leaveDependent on stage of training on return and whether supervisors think they will have completed the relevant stage of training by August 2024. If not, transition at first appropriate change of training year.

Most trainees should transition upon progressing to the next training year and not in the middle of a training year. However, Deaneries / TPDs can decide when to transition trainees whose circumstances are not straightforward, taking into account the need for all trainees to move to the new curricula as soon as possible but at the latest by August 2024.

Trainees at key transition stages (CT3 and ST6) who are LTFT under 50% are unlikely to complete that stage of training by August 2024, so we advise that they are transitioned as they move into ST6 to prevent possible requirements to move onto the new curricula mid-training year.

If you need advice on when best to transition a specific trainee, please feel free to contact the College for guidance:

Portfolio Online drop in – 31 January 2023

We ran a further drop-in session hosted by Dr Paul Emmerson, Specialist Adviser for Portfolio Online, and Dr Rosemary Gordon, Chair of the PTC for 2021-22. Please find below the recording of the session run on 31 January.

Portfolio Online drop-in sessions 2022

The Portfolio Online drop-in sessions were well attended and very useful. 

Many of the queries are addressed by the eLearning course, found at the start of this section and we strongly advise you to look at it, particularly at the processes set out in the section on Creating a new PSPDP.

Please find below the recordings of the two sessions run in November:

Recording of Portfolio Online drop-in 1: Wednesday 23 November, 12-1pm

Recording of Portfolio Online drop-in 2: Wednesday 30 November, 1-2pm

General drop-in sessions

Please look at the eLearning course for all information on the curricula, transition and Portfolio Online.

If you still have queries, you are welcome to raise them with the Curricula Team at

The important videos and other key information are now in the training course. If you are new to the 2022 Curricula, that would be a better source of information for you. It's also a comprehensive guide that will be of use to you even if you have already begun to think about the curricula.

However, the links below will take you directly to the videos that were previously on the Curriculum implementation hub, so that you can access them quickly if you wish. 

CESR applicants are able to apply for CESR under the previous curriculum for a maximum of 12 months after the curricula has been approved.

Between August 2022 and January 2023 applicants can apply under the 2019 psychiatric curricula OR under the newly approved psychiatric curricula.

After 31st January 2023 it will no longer be possible to apply under the 2019 curricula and all applicants will be expected to apply and meet the requirements of the new curricula.

If applicants require specific support with translating their previous evidence under the new curricula they are advised to contact the College for specific advice on their circumstances.

Trainees interested in undertaking more than one specialty at higher training can apply to undertake one of our dual-training programmes.

We currently offer the following dual-training pathways:

  • General Adult Psychiatry and Old Age Psychiatry (4 years)
  • General Adult Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy (5 years)
  • General Adult Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry (5 years)
  • Forensic Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy (5 years)
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychiatry of Learning (Intellectual) Disability (5 years)
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy (5 years)
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry (5 years)

Further information about our dual training pathways including how they are structured can be viewed on our dual-training page.

For further information, please contact

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