New curricula training videos
New curricula: what you need to know (for trainees)
Dr Ross Runciman (ST6, general adult and old age psychiatry) and Dr Rosemary Gordon (ST4, general adult psychiatry) walk through what the changes to the curricula, portfolio and WPBAs mean for the new ST4s, this talk is applicable and relevant to all Core trainees as well.
Targeted specifically at bridging the gap between the old curricula and the new, it will contain useful information for all trainees’ to develop their understanding of how the new curricula will work in practice.
Placement-specific PDPs
Below Dr Paul Emmerson, Head of School for Wales and Specialist Advisor for the Portfolio Online, discusses what the new PDP looks like the on the Portfolio Online, how to access it and how to use it.
Focused at psychiatry trainers but applicable more widely to those who wish for a better understanding inclusive of trainees, it will provide visual context on how the system has changed and can be best utilised.
PDP demos
Dr Paul Emmerson, Head of School for Wales and Specialist Advisor for Portfolio Online, and Dr Ross Runciman, ST6 in general adult and older adult psychiatry, have completed a set of 3 videos demonstrated what PDP creation sessions should look like, follow up sessions and how to adjust the PDP as the placement progresses.
Targeted for use by both psychiatric supervisors and trainees on the new system, it should create a clear picture on how these sessions should run in reality.
How have workplace-based assessments (WPBAs) changed?
Under the new curricula, WPBAs have mostly remained the same with a few amendments to improve the quality of assessments and ensure they are being utilised to their fullest to build an accurate picture of a trainee.
Join Dr John Russell, Associate Dean for Curricula, as he walks through what those changes are and how to get the most out of WPBAs.
The new framework
Under the previous curricula, a combination of CanMEDS and the four domains of Good Medical Practice alongside the curricula and WPBAs were the basis of the psychiatry training framework.
Under the new curricula, that framework has been replaced with the nine domains of Generic Professional Capabilities Framework, the curricula, WPBAs and the brand new Psychiatry Silver Guide to create a more modern, accessible and streamlined training programme.
Dr John Russell walks you through the new framework and how it works.