Register as a PMPT member of the College

If you’re training in psychiatry in the UK, you need to be registered as a PMPT with the College.

This page explains how to apply for registration as a Pre-Membership Psychiatric Trainee, which is for the following doctors:

  • CT1-3
  • ST1-3
  • GMC-supported / Trust-sponsored International Fellows*

*If you are an MTI International Fellow, please email instead.

Do I need to register?

All trainees must register with the College, as set out in the “Gold Guide” (section 2.39):

All doctors in specialty training must enrol/register with the relevant College/Faculty or intercollegiate body so that:

i. progress in their training can be kept under review and supported where required

ii. they can access the educational portfolio, logbooks and assessment documentation for the specialty

iii. eligible trainees can be recommended to the GMC for consideration of award of a CCT or CESR(CP)/CEGPR(CP) at the end of their specialty training

How to register

UK based doctors can register online by using the yellow 'Register as a PMPT' button at the top of the page to join the College. Once registered, you can create a portfolio online account.

If you work less than full time (LTFT), please complete the PMPT - Reduced Rate Form and return to before making payment. Your fee will then be updated and we will email to confirm you can complete the registration.

Overseas based doctors, please complete the registration form below and email to

*a list of eligible countries for the reduced rate can be found at the bottom of this form. If you are eligible, please complete the form and email it back with your completed registration form.

We will process your application and send a payment link within 5 working days. Once payment is received we will send a  confirmation email and can access your membership.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry