Child & Adolescent Run-Through Training – Frequently Asked Questions
Whole Time Equivalent (also known as full-time training)
Run-through pilot trainees have the option to extend their training according to the Gold Guide to have the opportunity to retake/complete the examination (up to two 6-month extensions) – as for any other Core Psychiatry trainee. If the trainee is unable to pass the examination despite these extensions to training, they will be released from the training programme.
You must complete all components of the MRCPsych Examination to progress to ST4.
It is a requirement of the pilot programme that trainees undertaking the paeds-linked placement must attend all the educational programmes (e.g. MRCPsych programme and psychotherapy courses) as would any other core trainee. They must also provide the same evidence as required in the Core Psychiatry curriculum regarding academic activities and psychotherapy competencies.
The feedback received so far does not indicate that trainees have had any difficulties in getting psychotherapy experience as expected.
Yes, as long as the recommended educational objectives can be met. The College, NHSE and GMC accept that CAP-paediatric interface provisions vary considerably across England and hence the recommended educational objectives are set so as to be achievable and also be in keeping with the core curriculum.
You will continue to have educational, clinical, and psychiatric supervision by a psychiatric supervisor as would any other core trainee – in the paeds-linked placement. You may have additional clinical supervision from a paediatric supervisor – who should provide feedback to your educational and clinical supervisor for your ARCP. You will have a psychiatry ARCP as would any other Core Psychiatry trainee.
The feedback we’ve had when applying for GMC approval of the programme was that most trainees still complete their MRCPsych examinations in CT3 – so we’ve recommended that the paeds-linked post to be in ST2 – so that in ST3, the run-through pilot trainees have the same training context at CT3 trainees in doing their exams.
However, we are aware that due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, the paeds-linked post has had to be deferred to ST3 for some trainees. That should not cause any problems for trainees. They must pass the MRCPsych examination in its entirety to progress to ST4.
This will require careful planning at the early stages. The local HEE office (Deanery) and the Head of the School of Psychiatry, and Core and CAP TPDs must ensure this is possible within the Deanery footprint/area when they agree to participate in the pilot.
All trainees in Core Psychiatry have the standard training budget and study leave. The GMC, NHSE and RCPsych have clarified that neither CT1-3 not ST1-3 run-through trainees should be disadvantaged or favoured compared to the other group. Despite the pandemic restrictions, the deanery School of Psychiatry in each area still has the responsibility to provide the MRCPsych course for trainees (the vast majority of these courses are being run online). Attendance at the annual CAP conference would be an appropriate course to attend for run-through training and should be accessed through the existing study budget and through discussion with supervisors.
The senior educators for your Deanery (the Core TPD, your educational supervisor) should inform you of the paeds-linked placement a minimum of 12 weeks in advance (that is the NHSE requirement for trainees to be informed of their next placement). This is of course the minimum time requirement. The more advance the planning, the better.
The CAMHS mentor should be assigned to you within your first ST1 placement.
This would depend on the availability of a paeds/liaison or other paeds-linked approved training post in your area. We have provided the recommended educational objectives, which must be covered, on the run-through webpage.
Paeds-linked posts can be of different types. It is important that in the paeds-linked post the recommended educational objectives are attained.
They are on the webpage and have been shared after each induction session at RCPsych.
This would be through the mechanism of making an IDT (Inter-Deanery Transfer) application. This would involve the two different schools of Psychiatry and Deaneries managing this.
There is an existing WhatsApp group for run-through trainees providing peer to peer support and a really helpful way to bounce questions off each other along the way.
That would be appropriate if it can be arranged. We recommend that the mentor is from CAMHS.
This would involve the Deanery in whose footprint the trusts provide placements. So the Head of School of Psychiatry at the Deanery, along with other senior educators such as the Core and CAP TPDs must ensure that the Paeds-linked posts are approved and available to participate in the pilot.
As you are on a run-through programme, you are not expected to re-apply for an ST4 post in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
To ensure that you have a post secured for you, please contact your local region's recruitment team to ensure a place has been secured for you.