Andrea Davies
Andrea is a consultant clinical psychologist and systemic psychotherapist with over twenty-five years’ experience of working in mental health services. This includes ten years working on acute mental health wards and many years as the lead family therapist in a regional medium secure unit. Andrea is the Head of Mental Health Psychology in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and is committed to widening the scope of psychologically informed care and adapting the evidence-base to fit the needs of people in acute distress.
Andrea is enthusiastic about quality improvement. As a member of the Health Foundations Q Community, she leads a QExchange Cohort 5 project which has introduced peer mentor support to improve experiences of people waiting for psychological therapies and is developing a PROM of waiting list experience.
Andrea is invested in the development of teams in healthcare setting as being critical to improving outcomes for people who receive healthcare. She is thrilled to be working with the Culture of Care Delivery Team and deeply moved by the commitment that people are making to develop an effective team that works together, learns together and delivers together, in the service of improving care on inpatient wards.
At weekends, Andrea loves nothing more than trail running in the Welsh mountains.
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