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Anna Burhouse

Director of Quality Development at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Anna is Director of Quality Development at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, working in the Trust’s Experience Team to support quality improvement. Anna also supports Boards and teams across the UK to lead complex quality improvement work and to scale and spread innovations, through Northumbria Healthcare’s external quality improvement team RUBIS.Qi.  

Anna has practised quality improvement for over 20 years, using improvement methods that embrace co-production and that integrate the psychology of improvement. 
Anna is a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist by background, a qualified coach, Health Foundation Improvement Fellow, Ashridge Business School alumni in Leadership for Improvement, an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bath Centre for Healthcare Innovation and Improvement, Senior Associate Tutor at the University of Oxford and former Chair of the Engagement and Involvement Advisory Board at The Health Improvement Science Institute at Cambridge University.  
Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry