National Audit of Dementia 2025-27
Over the next three years we will be fully redesigning and implementing audits in both general acute hospitals and in dementia diagnostic services. We plan to work with routine data, which is already collected, lessening the burden of audit data collection for our participating services.
Data collection to roll out in 2026
During the first year we will:
- identify and test Healthcare Priorities and metrics for audit, while supporting hospitals and services with Quality Improvement projects based on previous results
- evaluate methods of collecting meaningful feedback from people living with dementia and carers.
We will roll out the new audits in 2026 and 2027, with one State of the Nation report in each year.
Priorities for audit
In the first months of 2025 we will consult via our networks, Steering Group and Lived Experience Advisory Group on priority items which will measure the quality of care received by patients living with dementia using general hospital and dementia diagnostic services. Further information will be released here.
Overview of activity 2025-27

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