Become a QED reviewer

QED reviews

QED Accreditation training takes place three times a year. If you would like to review an accreditation peer review, or your service is undergoing an accreditation review, you must attend this training. To express your interest in becoming a peer reviewer, please email

The main aim of the peer review visit is to validate the self-review data which services carry out prior to the review. It is not an inspection.

The primary responsibilities of a peer reviewer are:

  • To provide the service being reviewed with opportunities for discussion
  • To share ideas and suggestions with the service being reviewed
  • To give advice and support
  • To help promote QED to existing and potential members 

Not only does the host team benefit from the day, but the review team can take learning back to their services, which facilitates quality improvement for everyone involved.

You can share good practice from your own service, learn from other peer reviewers, and find out how the service being reviewed meets certain standards you may be struggling with.

Attending reviews is a good way to learn more about the QED network and the standards used to review and accredit services.

You can provide feedback to the QED project team about the review process.

We are happy to provide a letter to confirm your attendance to the review, which you can use as part of your CPD activity.

Most peer-reviews start at 9.45am and end at 3.30pm.

Accreditation visits begin at 9.30am and end at 4.30pm.

Unfortunately, we are not able to cover the cost of travel and accommodation to these reviews. It is the responsibility of your trust/organisation to support you with the cost of travel and accommodation.

Training is required for accreditation reviews only. See our video below for more information. 

If you would like more information on being a peer reviewer, please email

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