ECTAS Forum 2019
Please find links to the slides below from the 2019 ECTAS Forum - The Evolution of ECT:
Vicky Cartwright, Sinead Rogers and Eve Blanchard, ECTAS Project Team, The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Professor Bernhard Baune, Cato Chair & Head of Department of Psychiatry Co-Head, Mental Health Theme, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Professor George Kirov, Cardiff University, ECT Lead Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust
Tina Sore, Service Manager, Lorraine Bastick, Ward Matron, Dr Ifran Sabih, Associate Specialist Anaesthetist and Mark Liddell, Service User, Centre for Neuromodulation, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Alex O’Neill Kerr, MBChB, FCPsych, Medical Director, visiting Professor in Neuromodulation at the University of Northampton, Director for The Centre for Neuromodulation, Consultant Psychiatrist; Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Nigel Evans, Consultant Psychiatrist, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board
Dr Angela McGilloway, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist & ECT Lead, East London NHS Foundation Trust
Prof. Dr. Pascal Sienaert, Academic Centre for ECT and Neuromodulation (AcCENT), University Psychiatric Centre KU Leuven - Belgium