QNFMHS events and training

Find out about upcoming and past events and training in quality improvement and forensic mental health care.

The QNFMHS Team are working on events for 2024/25. Please check back for updates.

Reviewer training is a free event for staff from a service that is a member of the Quality Network. The training is a great learning experience for those who are interested in participating in the new virtual peer-reviews of medium and low secure forensic mental health services.

We strongly encourage individuals organising and reviewing other services to attend this condensed training, which will cover the new process of virtual reviews.

Learning objectives

The training will give potential reviewers the opportunity to gain practical knowledge about how to conduct a peer-review visit virtually. The online training session will involve presentation and discussion to develop the skills of a reviewer.

By the end of the training participants will be able to:

  • describe the Quality Network’s overall peer-review review process
  • deliver the role and responsibilities of a peer reviewer before, during and after the peer-review
  • troubleshoot and manage complaints and other difficulties that may arise during a peer-review
  • describe and promote the ethos of the Quality Network’s peer-reviews
  • understand how to effectively carry out and participate in a virtual peer-review.

The training is free to member services.

Next training dates

We have condensed the training to just two hours, on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 24 September 2024 (10am -12 noon)
  • Tuesday 29 October 2024 (1-3pm)
  • Tuesday 14 January 2025 (1-3pm)
  • Wednesday 05 March 2025 (10am - 12 noon) 

To book, please use this registration form.

If you have any questions about QNFMHS reviewer training, please contact us at forensics@rcpsych.ac.uk.

If you would like to access presentations from our past events such as online webinars and annual forums, you can find these on our group page on Knowledge Hub under the 'library' tab.

To join Knowledge Hub, email 'join' to forensics@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Our Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services (QNFMHS) team created a series of webinars for the CCQI during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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