QNOAMHS news and events

Here you'll find all the information you need about QNOAMHS events, past and present.

Upcoming events

We are pleased to announce we will be running online peer reviewer training via Microsoft Teams.

Date: Friday 19 July

Time: 11am - 1pm

The training is free and open to all staff working in QNOAMHS members services, including consultants and specialist registrars (SpR), registered mental health nurses, ward managers/leads, support workers and the wider MDT.

Once trained, you will have to opportunity to visit older adult mental health services around the UK as part of peer review teams.

This is an excellent opportunity for professional development, to contribute to the peer-review process and to facilitate networking and the sharing of best practice. Please register by completing this sign-up form.

Please email op@rcpsych.ac.uk for more information.

We are pleased to announce we will be hosting a one-hour webinar focusing on carer awareness via Microsoft Teams.


  • Date: Wednesday 4 October 2023
  • Time: TBC
  • Location: Microsoft Teams
  • Price: Free for QNOAMHS members/£15 for non-members

To register to attend this event, please complete the booking form. We look forward to seeing you!

For further details, please email op@rcpsych.ac.uk

The 2024 QNOAMHS Annual Forum is a full day in person event with presentations from a range of experts within older adult mental health services on the theme: The Patient and Carer Voice.

This is an opportunity to reflect on challenges within older adult mental health services, network and share experiences with other services.

We are pleased to confirm the keynote will be delivered by Julia Jones, Co-Founder of John's Campaign. The full programme is available here

For more information please email op@rcpsych.ac.uk.

To register, please complete this booking form.

We are pleased to announce we will be running online peer-reviewer training via Microsoft Teams, on Friday 19 July 11am-1pm.

The training is free and open to all staff working in QNOAMHS members services, including consultants and specialist registrars (SpR), registered mental health nurses, ward managers/leads, support workers and the wider MDT.

Once trained you will have to opportunity to visit older adult mental health services around the UK as part of peer review teams.

This is an excellent opportunity for professional development, to contribute to the peer-review process and to facilitate networking and the sharing of best practice.

To register, please complete this sign-up form.

Lead Reviewer Training

Further details on the next lead reviewer training session will be available soon.

The training is free and open to staff working in QNOAMHS members services who have completed peer reviewer training and attended a minimum of three reviews.

Once trained, you will have to opportunity to lead reviews of older adult mental health services around the UK as part of peer review teams.

This is an excellent opportunity for professional development, to contribute to the peer-review process and to facilitate networking and the sharing of best practice.

Commencing from Friday 10th February 2023

Fridays at 11am, monthly

Over the coming months, the Project Team are hosting monthly virtual drop-ins for you to bring questions about the remote and face to face self and peer-review process.

The sessions are open to all members and the group will address any issues that you would like to discuss, get clarity about or ask questions, and support you with the accreditation or developmental process.

We ask that you submit your questions to the team prior to attending the clinic, as this will help us to open the clinics up to other members who may wish to ask the same question and also allow us to ensure we have the right people present in the clinic to provide guidance.

Who is it for?

Staff and peer-reviewers who are currently involved in self/peer-review and have questions or require specific support. The clinics are open to all membership types.

How long are the sessions?

The sessions last for 45 minutes and are conducted as a group or individually if no other members attend. This is a great way for you to gain a better understanding of the process, ask specific questions, address any anxieties in preparing for accreditation and/or peer review visits and to meet and share learning with others. It is also a great way to network with our members and share best practice.

We ask that if you join, you join for the full session, as this will enable you to get the most benefit from the drop-in.

How do I join?

You can join if you are a member of QNOAMHS.

However, we ask that where possible you let us know in advance of the meeting if you intend to attend and that you let us know what question(s) you would like to ask.

If you would like to attend, please email op@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Further details of our next lead reviewer training session will be made available soon.

If you are interested in becoming a lead reviewer, please contact op@rcpsych.ac.uk.

The 2022 QNOAMHS Annual Forum was a full day remote event with presentations from a range of experts within older adult mental health services on the theme 'Older Adult Mental Health Complexities in 2022 and beyond.'

The theme of this years Annual Forum is to reflect on the complexities within older adult mental health services. This is an opportunity to reflect on the challenges of the last few years, network and share experiences with other QNOAMHS members.

For more information on the event, please view our programme

The slides of the event can be made available to QNOAMHS members on request, for access please email op@rcpsych.ac.uk

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