The Quality Mark process
The Quality Mark is a two-stage process. This diagram outlines the process model for working towards the award:
View a detailed outline of the award process
To complete Stage I:
- A full set of assessment tools must be completed.
- Results are detailed in a report, highlighting areas of achievement, areas for improvement and areas for concern.
- Based on these results, an action plan is submitted.
- If the ward is not achieving the benchmark scores previously set, we recommend that wards repeat Stage I.
- If wards are achieving, they will go to Stage II.
To complete Stage II:
- A further set of assessment tools must be completed.
- Results are detailed in a report, comparing these with Stage I.
- These results are forwarded to the Quality Mark’s Award Committee, who assess whether the ward should achieve the award.
- If the ward is unsuccessful, they will complete another action plan and continue to make improvements to attempt Stage II again.
- If successful, the ward holds the Quality Mark award for three years, subject to an Interim Review.
See further information on achieving the Quality Mark
Data collection tools
The Quality Mark can measure how ‘elder-friendly’ your ward is, by collecting data from:
- patients and their carers/family members
- members of your ward team
- the ward manager
- a lead clinician
- hospital governors
- the senior managers of the hospital/trust.
Data is collected using questionnaire feedback and observations of staff and patient interactions using the PIE observation tool.
Please see further information about the tools that the Quality Mark uses and how it is collected, and more details about the measures of the data collection tools.
For General Hospital Wards, data collection period lasts three months. For Community Hospital Wards the data collection period can be extended to suit the ward.
Interim Reviews
Wards that achieve the Quality Mark take part in an Interim Review half way through the award period.
This makes sure that the award requirements are still being met.
The Interim Review includes a questionnaire measuring ward changes and a target of 15 patient questionnaires.