
On this page you will find a range of resources related to the Culture of Care programme.If you would like to suggest any resources to be shared on this page, please email them to

Co-production in mental health:

Tools to co-produce


  1. Book: The 15 commitments of conscious leadership: A new paradigm for sustained success. By J. Dither, D Chapman and K. Warner Klemp. 2015 

  1. Book: Intelligent kindness: reforming the culture of healthcare. By J. Ballatt and P. Campling. 2011. 

  1. Book: Community: the structure of belonging. By P.Block. 2008 

  1. Book: Why David sometimes wins: Leadership, Organization, and Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movement. By M.Ganz. 2009.  

  1. Book: Humble inquiry: the gentle art of asking instead of telling. By E. Schein. 2013. 

  1. Book: Impact with integrity: repairing the world without breaking yourself. By B. Margiotta. 2022. 

  1. Book: New Power: How anyone can persuade, mobilise and succeed in our chaotic connected age. By J Hermans and H Timms. 2019. 

  1. Book: The genius zone: the breakthrough processs to end negative thinking and live in true creativity. By G Hendricks. 2021. 

  1. Book: Thinking in systems. By D. Meadows. 2008. 

  1. Book: Made to stick: why some ideas survive and others die. By C. Heath and D. Heath. 2007.  

  1. Book: Scarcity why having so little means so much. By S. Mullainathan and E. Shafr. 2013.  

  1. Worksheet: White dominant culture and something different. Adapted for ACCE from adaptation by Partners for Collaborative Change based on “White Supremacy Culture” By Tema Okun and Kenneth Jones, for large, majority white environmental organisations, using interviews with staff and partners of these organisations.

Drayton Park Crisis House as an example of a Trauma informed practice:  


Further guidance:  




  • Carter G, Milner A, McGill K, Pirkis J, Kapur N, Spittal MJ. Predicting suicidal behaviours using clinical instruments: systematic review and meta-analysis of positive predictive values for risk scales. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2017 Jun;210(6):387-95.
  • Chan MK, Bhatti H, Meader N, Stockton S, Evans J, O'Connor RC, Kapur N, Kendall T. Predicting suicide following self-harm: systematic review of risk factors and risk scales. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2016 Oct;209(4):277-83.
  • Graney J, Hunt IM, Quinlivan L, Rodway C, Turnbull P, Gianatsi M, Appleby L, Kapur N. Suicide risk assessment in UK mental health services: a national mixed-methods study. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Dec 1;7(12):1046-53.
  • Large MM, Ryan CJ, Carter G, Kapur N. Can we usefully stratify patients according to suicide risk?. Bmj. 2017 Oct 17;359.
  • Morriss R, Kapur N, Byng R. Assessing risk of suicide or self-harm in adults. BMJ. 2013 Jul 25;347.
  • Quinlivan L, Cooper J, Meehan D, Longson D, Potokar J, Hulme T, Marsden J, Brand F, Lange K, Riseborough E, Page L. Predictive accuracy of risk scales following self-harm: multicentre, prospective cohort study. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2017 Jun;210(6):429-36.
  • Quinlivan L, Cooper J, Steeg S, Davies L, Hawton K, Gunnell D, Kapur N. Scales for predicting risk following self-harm: an observational study in 32 hospitals in England. BMJ open. 2014 Apr 1;4(5):e004732.
  • Quinlivan L, Gorman L, Littlewood DL, Monaghan E, Barlow SJ, Campbell S, Webb RT, Kapur N. ‘Wasn’t offered one, too poorly to ask for one’–Reasons why some patients do not receive a psychosocial assessment following self-harm: Qualitative patient and carer survey. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2022 Apr;56(4):398-407
  • Quinlivan L, Gorman L, Marks S, Monaghan E, Asmal S, Webb RT, Kapur N. Liaison psychiatry practitioners’ views on accessing aftercare and psychological therapies for patients who present to hospital following self-harm: multi-site interview study. BJPsych open. 2023 Mar;9(2):e34.
  • Quinlivan L, Gorman L, Monaghan E, Asmal S, Webb RT, Kapur N. Accessing psychological therapies following self-harm: qualitative survey of patient experiences and views on improving practice. BJPsych open. 2023 May;9(3):e62.
  • Quinlivan L, Steeg S, Elvidge J, Nowland R, Davies L, Hawton K, Gunnell D, Kapur N. Risk assessment scales to predict risk of hospital treated repeat self-harm: A cost-effectiveness modelling analysis. Journal of affective disorders. 2019 Apr 15;249:208-15.
  • Quinlivan LM, Gorman L, Littlewood DL, Monaghan E, Barlow SJ, Campbell SM, Webb RT, Kapur N. ‘Relieved to be seen’—patient and carer experiences of psychosocial assessment in the emergency department following self-harm: qualitative analysis of 102 free-text survey responses. BMJ open. 2021 May 1;11(5):e044434.
  • Steeg S, Quinlivan L, Nowland R, Carroll R, Casey D, Clements C, Cooper J, Davies L, Knipe D, Ness J, O’connor RC. Accuracy of risk scales for predicting repeat self-harm and suicide: a multicentre, population-level cohort study using routine clinical data. BMC psychiatry. 2018 Dec;18:1-1

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