Speciality Networks
We have a number of wards participating in the Reducing Restrictive Practice programme with representation from 26 Trusts across England. See below for more information on the types of wards that make up the collaborative.
- 19 July 2022: Introduction to the PICU Network and what matters to you? What would be useful to discuss in this network?
- 19 September 2022 (Postponed)
- November 2022 - to be confirmed
- January 2023 - to be confirmed
- March 2022 - to be confirmed
Useful resources:
Network Leads: Donna Patten and Nigel Sims
Dates of network meetings:
- 17 August 2022, 12 noon - 1pm
- 12 October 2022, 12 noon - 1.45pm
- 7 December 2022, 12 noon - 1.45pm
- 1 February 2023, 12 noon - 1.45pm
- 29 March 2023, 12 noon - 1.45pm
- Share knowledge/information
- Share best practice/successes
- Connections with colleagues in CAMHS Services
- New innovative ways of working
- See what acuity/challenges are happening nationally
- Being realistic and learn small and big changes
- Time to hear from others
- Time to hear others change ideas
- Led by services
- Co-produce services
- 14 July 2022
- Further meeting dates are to be confirmed
Network Lead: Ursula Clarke (Temporary)
Dates of network meetings:
To be confirmed
The purpose of this network is to share learning with other rehabilitation colleagues across the country and to surface and address challenges.
Network Leads: Louise Bond and James McMahon
- 9 November 2022
- 11 January 2023
- 8 March 2023
About the Network
The national MHSIP network for Adult Acute Wards provides an opportunity for colleagues to share learning with other Acute wards who are also taking part in the programme. It is hoped that these meetings will allow ward teams to meet up with similar services and to extend the opportunity to share and learn, as well as creating valuable learning resources.
Dates of network meetings: Meetings will occur every eight weeks, starting on Tuesday 15 November 1.30pm-2:30pm
Network meeting resources
November network meeting:
In order to reduce restrictive practice, safety pods were developed in 2014 in an attempt to reduce ground, prone and prolonged restraint due to the risk to patients and staff. Safety pods are used in acute settings, to enhance safety, reduce injury and improve the experience of using physical interventions. Palkesh Darbar from UK Pods recently presented at the November Adult Acute Mental Health MHSIP Network event. See the recording and slide deck below. To contact UK Pods, contact rebecca@ukpodsltd.co.uk
- The Use of Safety Pods for De-Escalation and During Restraint Presentation by Palkash D Crawford (Note: opens YouTube)
- Safety Pod presentation slide deck (.ppt)
Other useful resources: