A happy, healthy workplace
NCCMH worked with Positive Practice in Mental Health Collaborative to produce a report: A happy, healthy workplace: Workforce wellbeing, recruitment and retention in mental health services.
The report recommends seven key aspects of staff health and wellbeing, with positive practice examples from services that embody each recommendation, illustrating how they achieve these goals through their culture and initiatives. It gives practical help and highlights some of the excellent initiatives being undertaken across mental health services, in the NHS, in the voluntary sector and emergency services, to address the serious challenges we face in tackling sickness absence, work-related stress and staff retention.
The Positive Practice in Mental Health (PPiMH) Collaborative
The PPiMH is a user-led multi-agency collaborative of 75 organisations including NHS trusts, clinical commissioning groups, police forces, third-sector providers, front-line charities and service user groups. Its aim is to identify and disseminate positive practice in mental health services by working together across organisations and sectors, to facilitate shared learning and raise the profile of mental health with politicians and other policy makers.
Practice is shared through special interest groups, events, the National Mental Health Awards and virtual networks, as well as through a national online guide to mental health services.
Free mental health awareness training and support is provided to members of parliament (MPs), and they are included in roundtables with PPiMH members to ensure that MPs are as well informed as possible about mental health issues. This information was accurate at the time of publication in 2019.