Perinatal pathways

The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health highlighted a system of patchy care and fragmentation for women with perinatal mental health problems, and recommended that national clinical quality benchmarks and pathways could help to address this and support at least 30,000 more women to access mental health care during pregnancy and after giving birth.
"I know that I will have a choice of a range of NICE-recommended treatments and, with the help of staff, will be able to make decisions that are right for both me and my baby."

The pathways are described fully in these documents:

  • Perinatal care pathways short guide (PDF) (NCCMH, 2018)

    Guidance that sets out the policy initiatives and strategic context for transforming perinatal mental health care. It explains why this transformation must be a priority for commissioners, providers, sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) and integrated care systems (ICSs).

  • Perinatal care pathway implementation guidance (PDF) (NCCMH, 2018)

    Detailed information on the pathway, what is important to people who use services, what perinatal mental health problems are and the treatments that should be provided, and the principles for delivering high-quality, compassionate care.

  • Perinatal care pathways helpful resources (PDF) (NCCMH, 2018)

    Resources for the implementation guidance (above) with NICE-recommended care for perinatal mental health problems, recommendations for outcomes measurement, and examples of services providing high-quality care and elements of the pathways.

  • Perinatal service spec template (PDF) (RCPsych, 2018)

    Perinatal service spec template (DOC) (RCPsych, 2018)

    The College's Perinatal faculty has produced a template service specification for specialist community perinatal mental health teams. This can help commissioners to implement the perinatal mental health care pathways.

  • Perinatal pathways infographic (PDF) (NCCMH, 2018)

    Graphic visual representation that introduces the perinatal mental health care pathways.


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