Accreditation for Specialist Registration in Psychiatry

Portfolio Pathway in Psychiatry 2023

This page will take you through the steps for applying to the GMC for specialist registration in the psychiatry specialties of:
  • Child and Adolescent
  • Forensic 
  • General Adult
  • Old Age
  • Learning Disability
  • Medical Psychotherapy

From 30 November 2023 the GMC curriculum changed for doctors wishing to apply for specialist registration and CESR was replaced by the Portfolio Pathway.

Note: Applications already in process and lodged with the GMC via CESR prior to 29 November 2023 at 11.59pm GMT will continue via the previous Equivalence pathway.

The College are presently undertaking a project to produce applicant guidance.

The GMC have produced general guidance: Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration

This guidance sets out the requirements and process for applying for Specialist Registration in Psychiatry.

If you have been working in the field of psychiatry and feel you have the necessary experience and can evidence this with supporting information you may be eligible to apply.

Portfolios are submitted and assessed against your Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE) for specialist practice in the UK and reflects the Higher Learning Outcomes in psychiatry (HLOs). Evidence submitted should be within the last 10 years, stated in whole time equivalents (WTE).

If you have worked for less than full-time periods over the last five years, evidence can be provided from previous years – however clear details of this should be stated on the GMC application and CV.

Please see information below which will help you identify which cohort you can apply for via the GMC.

Which KSE cohort should I apply for?

The College has three KSE entry level cohorts at which you can submit your portfolio.

This is a self-selection process, and you must decide which KSE you feel your experience and skills fit into and apply for the appropriate cohort on your application to the GMC.

Use the button below to access the questions and criteria you'll need to make your selection.

Specialist Registration FAQs

The GMC website details Specialty Specific Guidance (SSG) and the evidence requirements for each specialty.

Role of the College in Specialist Registration via the Portfolio Pathway

CESR applications are made to the GMC, where they are compiled and submitted to the RCPsych for two College Evaluators to undertake the evaluation. Further information about how to apply can be found on the GMC website:

The College’s role is to evaluate applications received from the GMC for Specialist Registration in Psychiatry and send recommendations to the GMC, who will place the applicant on the Specialist Register if it is collaboratively agreed that all  HLOs have been met. The College works closely with the GMC to ensure that a robust system of assessment is established.

To achieve this, the College:

  • Determines criteria reflecting the Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE) requirements for doctors applying for inclusion on the Specialist Register.
  • Evaluates individual applications for the inclusion on the Specialist Register.  The two assigned Evaluators and the Associate Dean for Equivalence, Dr Neeraj Berry, are responsible for evaluating applications.

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