Become a CESR Evaluator
Committee Members and CESR Evaluators
The Equivalence Committee’s main purpose is to assess applications received under the CESR route and send recommendations to the General Medical Council regarding individual applications for Specialist Registration in Psychiatry.
Equivalence committee members are made up of representatives from the Specialty Doctor's Committee, the Psychiatric Trainees' Committee and Faculty members representing each psychiatric specialty. CESR Evaluators are also expected to attend Committee meetings.
In order to be a CESR evaluator, you must:
- be a Member, Fellow, or Specialist Associate of the College and in good standing
- hold Specialist Registration with the GMC
- have held a consultant post for at least a year
- be able to commit to being a CESR Evaluator for at least a year.
Applications from retired consultants are welcome.
For more information on the Committee, its remit and to see its current officers please see the Equivalence Committee page.
How to become a CESR Evaluator
Evaluator training
All new evaluators are required to undertake CESR evaluator training as part of their induction into the committee. They are often run twice a year prior to Equivalence Committee meetings. Committee meetings are typically held in March and November with virtual Evaluator training often taking place in February and October.
If there is sufficient demand we will host ad-hoc training days.
Apply now
Becoming an evaluator to support the accreditation of our workforce is key and we welcome your assistance.
To apply to become a CESR Evaluator and member of the Committee please email including:-
- your full name
- contact telephone number
- college membership number
- GMC number
- specialty (ies)
- date you commenced as a Consultant
Once confirmed we will put you on the list for our next training day.