You will be aware that the Minister for Health launched the draft 10-Year Mental Health Strategy on 21 December 2020. This is a significant development as it will inform the direction of travel for all of mental health services for the next ten years. RCPsych NI has welcomed the document which is now out for consultation.
At this stage, our experience and expertise are vital to ensuring that the approach is sound and that the Action Plan and funding implications are likely to improve outcomes in mental health across the lifespan by developing effective practice and services in partnership with the public and partner agencies.
As Chair, I want to encourage you to get involved. We are uniquely placed to comment on the full range of mental health service needs, but we rely on your contribution to achieve this. Involvement will include reading the draft strategy and bringing forward comments for discussion. We will hold a meeting in early February to discuss what has been submitted and use this to shape our response.
Dr Richard Wilson, FRCPsych, Chair of RCPsych in NI and Vice President RCPsych
Please contact Thomas McKeever a the College for more information.
For further information, please contact:
- Email:
- Contact Name: RCPsych in Northern Ireland
- Twitter: @rcpsychni