COVID-19: gwybodaeth i seiciatryddion yng Nghymru
Archwiliwch ein canllawiau a'n gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar gyfer seiciatryddion sy'n gweithio yng Nghymru.
Sut i ddefnyddio ein canllawiau
Rydym wedi creu canolfan sy'n esblygu'n gyflym o wybodaeth COVID-19 a gynlluniwyd ar gyfer clinigwyr. Mae'r canllawiau hyn wedi'u hysgrifennu o safbwynt eang y DU a byddant, ar y cyfan, yn berthnasol ledled y DU, ac mae'r Coleg yn gofyn i'w aelodau yng Nghymru gadw at y canllawiau hyn lle y bo'n bosibl.
Mae'r dudalen hon yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau at adnoddau allweddol Cymru, canllawiau allanol a rhestr termau, i gefnogi canllawiau'r DU.
Canllawiau i glinigwyr
Mae graddau effaith COVID-19 yn amhosibl eu rhagweld yn gywir a rhagwelir y bydd y sefyllfa'n esblygu'n gyflym. Byddwn yn parhau i ddiweddaru ac ychwanegu at y tudalennau hyn dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Gallwch hefyd gyfeirio at y canllawiau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ar COVID-19 a rheolaeth glinigol ar faterion iechyd meddwl a ddatblygwyd gan Lab Seiciatreg Precision Rhydychen (OxPPL).
- Gwasanaethau cymunedol a chleifion mewnol
- Ymgysylltu â chleifion
- Gweithlu
- Lles a chymorth
- Cyfreithiol
- Digidol
- Ystyriaethau moesegol
- Adnoddau rhyngwladol
- Ail-gyflwyno gwasanaethau o fewn gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal - atal a rheoli heintiau
Canllawiau Penodol i Gymru
Er y dylai canllawiau'r DU fod yn berthnasol i ymarferwyr ledled y DU a bod o ddefnydd iddynt, gweler isod eithriadau ac ystyriaethau sy'n benodol i system gofal iechyd Cymru. Caiff hyn ei ddiweddaru'n rheolaidd.
Clinical guidance for health professionals, including links to NICE and Public Health Wales.
Guidance and services
- Allied health professionals’ (AHP) role in rehabilitation during and after COVID-19 – This statement outlines our four nations’ collective strategic priorities and approaches to AHP rehabilitation leadership during and after COVID-19.
- Hospital discharge service requirements: COVID-19 – Health, social care, third and independent sector partners in Wales must follow this discharge guidance.
- Decisions on do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR): age, disability and long term conditions - States DNACPR decisions must continue to be made on an individual basis according to need and individual wishes.
- COVID-19: non-emergency patient transport services (NEPTS) requirements and funding – Guidance on patient transport requirements for NEPTS during the COVID-19 emergency response.
- Coronavirus: ethical values and principles for healthcare delivery framework – Guidance for healthcare services when making decisions during the coronavirus outbreak.
- Coronavirus Act: guidance on excess death provisions – Guidance for medical practitioners on excess death provisions during the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Coronavirus: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines – NICE guidelines to support the NHS and social care to respond quickly to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
- Public Health Wales' guidance for health and social care professionals – Coronavirus guidance for health
professionals produced by Public Health Wales (includes PPE).
- Hospital visiting during the coronavirus outbreak: guidance – How the NHS can support hospital visiting in a safe and planned way during the coronavirus pandemic.
- Guidance for NHS Board’s on committee responsibilities during COVID-19 – Focuses on how the Quality and Patient Safety Committees and the Audit Committees should continue working.
Policy and background
- Health and social care services rehabilitation framework 2020 to 2021 – A framework to help organisations plan rehabilitation services following the coronavirus pandemic.
Provision of PPE and guidance for its use during the coronavirus pandemic
Guidance and services
- Public Health Wales' guidance for health and social care professionals – Coronavirus guidance for health professionals produced by Public Health Wales (includes personal protective equipment).
- Provide critical equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) – Tell us if you are able to provide critical equipment and PPE.
Policy and background
- Coronavirus and personal protective equipment (PPE) – Summarises what we're doing to ensure people have the PPE they need to stay safe.
Support, guidance and policies for staff working in or wanting to join the NHS and social care during the coronavirus pandemic
Guidance and services
- COVID-19 workforce risk assessment tool – Check if you are at higher risk of more serious symptoms if you come into contact with COVID-19.
- COVID-19 workforce risk assessment tool: guidance – COVID-19 workforce risk assessment tool guidance for managers and staff.
- Returning health professionals and scientists – How health professionals and scientists can return to the NHS to help during the coronavirus pandemic.
- Register to rejoin the NHS – Complete a form to tell us your skills and register to rejoin the NHS and help with coronavirus.
- COVID-19: NHS Wales indemnity – Explains indemnity cover for NHS staff during the coronavirus pandemic.
- Help the NHS in a temporary role during the coronavirus pandemic – Browse and register for roles in NHS community, primary and secondary care.
- Support for student allied health professionals during the COVID-19 epidemic – Introduces temporary registration and increased clinical work for student allied health professionals.
- NHS Wales COVID-19 Operating Framework: quarter 1 2020 to 2021 – Operating framework to help the NHS deliver essential health services during COVID-19.
- Essential health services during COVID-19 – Summary of health services deemed essential during the coronavirus pandemic.
- NHS Wales COVID-19 Operating Framework: quarter 2 2020 to 2021 – Operating framework to help the NHS deliver essential health services during COVID-19.
- COVID-19: guidance for student nurses – Guidance for student nurses and midwives during COVID-19
- Verifying death in times of emergency: coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance for verifying death outside of hospitals during the coronavirus emergency period.
Policy and background
- Support for healthcare science professionals during the COVID-19 epidemic: joint 4 nation statement – Thanks healthcare science professionals and mentions working outside the usual scope of practice.
- Support for allied health professionals and support workers during the COVID-19 epidemic – Thanks health workers and mentions working outside the usual scope of practice during the COVID-19 epidemic.
- COVID-19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group Wales (CMEAG-Wales): 14 May 2020 –Minutes for the CMEAG-Wales meeting.
- COVID-19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group Wales (CMEAG-Wales): 21 May 2020 – Minutes for the COVID-19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group Wales meeting.
- Directions to Local Health Boards as to the Statement of Financial Entitlements (COVID-19 Suspension of Enhanced Services) (Amendment) Directions 2020 – Directions to local health boards on amendments to the general medical services contract.
- Directions to Local Health Boards as to the Statement of Financial Entitlements (Amendment) (No. 2) Directions 2020 – Directions to local health boards on amendments to the general medical services contract.
- COVID-19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group Wales minutes (CMEAG-Wales): 30 April 2020 – Minutes for the CMEAG-Wales meeting.
- COVID-19 Moral and Ethical Advisory Group Wales (CMEAG-Wales) agenda and minutes: 23 April 2020 – Agenda and minutes for the CMEAG-Wales meeting.
Guidance on providing mental health services during the coronavirus pandemic
Guidance and services
- Services under the Mental Health (Wales) Measure: COVID-19 – Guidance for local health boards and partners on mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Mental Health Act 1983 hospital managers’ discharge powers: coronavirus – Guidance for local health boards and independent hospitals on discharge powers under the Mental Health Act 1983.
Guidance on the rehabilitation needs of people affected by coronavirus.
Guidance and services
- Evaluating the impact of rehabilitation services post-COVID-19 – Guidance on evaluating the impact of rehabilitation services to help people affected by the impact of COVID-19.
- COVID-19 rehabilitation service modelling – A modelling resource to help services plan rehabilitation services following the coronavirus pandemic.
- Rehabilitation needs of people affected by the impact of COVID-19: guidance – Guidance on the rehabilitation needs of people affected by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Policy and background
- Health and social care services rehabilitation framework 2020 to 2021 – A framework to help organisations plan rehabilitation services following the coronavirus pandemic.
Policies and guidance for care homes and providers of social services during the coronavirus pandemic
Guidance and services
- Public Health Wales' guidance for health and social care professionals – Coronavirus guidance for health professionals produced by Public Health Wales (includes PPE).
- Social care workforce special payment scheme – Final guidance on who is eligible to receive the payment.
- Visits to care homes: guidance for providers – Guidance for care home providers for adults and children on how to enable safe visiting during the coronavirus pandemic.
- Care homes action plan – This letter sets out the actions we are taking to support the care home sector.
- Adult social services during the Covid-19 pandemic: guidance – How local authorities support adults and adult carers during COVID-19.
- Medical masks: frequently asked questions – Who and when you should wear a medical mask in a clinical or care setting.
Policy and background
- The Primary Medical Services (COVID-19 Care Homes) (Directed Enhanced Services) (Wales) Directions 2020 – The Directions state what services GPs must deliver to care home residents during COVID-19.
- COVID-19 workforce risk assessment tool: social care poster – Poster to explain the risk assessment tool to keep our social care workforce safe.