Fellowship nominations closing soon

You have just over a fortnight to submit your application for Fellowship. Nominations close on 15 September 2023.

Fellowship is awarded as a mark of distinction and recognition of contribution to psychiatry.

You can apply if you’ve been a continuous member from 1 January 2013 or before that date.

You should aim to show you’ve made significant contributions to the core purposes of the College:

  • setting standards and promoting excellence in mental health care
  • leading, representing and supporting psychiatrists
  • working with patients, carers and their organisations.

Applicants must complete a CV form, Citation form and Good Standing form and email these by 15 September.

For the full application process, forms to complete and further guidance please see our page Applying for Fellowship.

The College’s Nominations Committee will decide on all applications in the autumn, and you'll be notified of the outcome in November/December.

Please send any queries to membershipservices@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry