RCPsych eNewsletter

September 2023

Welcome to our eNewsletter for members

In this month's newsletter we look at sexual harassment in the workplace, discuss the role of Physician Associates, take a closer look at the Aggrey Burke Fellowship, and celebrate the hard work of our members which recently led us to winning several prestigious awards.

Question Time with the Officers

It’s your last chance to sign up for the Question Time with the Officersfirst of our new series of webinars which takes place tomorrow (Friday 29 September). You can also now sign up for the second webinar, taking place on 12 October.

Psychiatrist Support Service (PSS)

The Psychiatrists' Support Service (PSS) provides free, rapid, high quality peer support by telephone to psychiatrists of all grades who may be experiencing personal or work-related difficulties. Contact the PSS by phone on 020 8618 4020 or by email at pss@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Other news from around the College

RCPsych Publishing

Read the latest RCPsych Publishing Highlights


Resources for members

Guidance for retired members and employer organisations

The South West Division has developed a practical package for doctors who have retired, are at the point of retirement, or are considering retirement.


Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry