Fees for overseas members
We want to assist members overseas for whom the College subscription represents a large proportion of income.
It has therefore proposed to adopt a banding system for overseas subscriptions based upon that offered by the World Psychiatric Association.
Countries are classified according to per capita income (latest World Bank figures) and pay 100%, 80%, 60% or 40% of the subscription and/or registration fee.
The country bandings are shown below. The rates will be applied automatically by the address held.
Band A (100% of fee) | Band B (80%) | Band C* (60%) | Band D* (40%) |
Andorra | Albania | Algeria | Afghanistan |
Antigua and Barbuda | American Samoa | Angola | Burkina Faso |
Aruba | Argentina | Bangladesh | Burundi |
Australia | Armenia | Belize | Central African Republic |
Austria | Azerbaijan | Bhutan | Chad |
Bahamas, The | Belarus | Bolivia | Congo, Dem. Rep |
Bahrain | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Cambodia | Eritrea |
Barbados | Botswana | Cameroon | Ethiopia |
Belgium | Brazil | Congo, Rep | Gambia, The |
Bermuda | Bulgaria | Cote d'Ivoire | Guinea |
Brunei Darussalam | China | Egypt, Arab Rep. | Guinea-Bissau |
Canada | Colombia | El Salvador | Korea, Dem Rep. |
Cayman Islands | Costa Rica | Ghana | Liberia |
Channel Islands | Cuba | Haiti | Madagascar |
Chile | Cuba | Honduras | Malawi |
Croatia | Dominica | India | Mali |
Cyprus | Dominican Republic | Indonesia | Mozambique |
Czech Republic | Ecuador | Iran, Islamic Rep. | Niger |
Denmark | Equatorial Guinea | Kenya | Rwanda |
Estonia | Fiji | Kiribati | Sierra Leone |
Faroe Islands | Gabon | Kyrgyz Republic | Somalia |
Finland | Georgia | Lao PDR | South Sudan |
France | Guatemala | Lesotho | Sudan |
Germany | Guyana | Mauritania | Syrian Arab Republic |
Greece | Iraq | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Togo |
Greenland | Jamaica | Mongolia | Uganda |
Hong Kong, China | Jordan | Morocco | Yemen, Rep. |
Hungary | Kazakhstan | Myanmar | |
Iceland | Lebanon | Nepal | |
Ireland | Libya | Nicaragua | |
Israel | Macedonia, FYR | Nigeria | |
Italy | Malaysia | Pakistan | |
Japan | Maldives | Papua New Guinea | |
Korea, Rep. | Marshall Islands | Philippines | |
Kuwait | Mauritius | Samoa | |
Latvia | Mexico | Senegal | |
Liechtenstein | Montenegro | Sri Lanka | |
Lithuania | Namibia | Tajikistan | |
Luxembourg | Paraguay | Tanzania | |
Macao, China | Panama | Timor-Leste | |
Malta | Peru | Tunisia | |
Monaco | Romania | Ukraine | |
Netherlands | Russian Federation | Uzbekistan | |
New Caledonia | Serbia | Vietnam | |
New Zealand | South Africa | West Bank and Gaza | |
Norway | St. Lucia | Zambia | |
Oman | Suriname | Zimbabwe | |
Palau | Thailand | ||
Poland | Turkey | ||
Portugal | Venezuela, RB | ||
Puerto Rico | |||
Qatar | |||
San Marino | |||
Saudi Arabia | |||
Singapore | |||
Slovakia | |||
Slovenia | |||
Spain | |||
Sweden | |||
Switzerland | |||
Trinidad and Tobago | |||
United Arab Emirates | |||
United States | |||
Uruguay | |||
Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
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