Liaison faculty news, reports and resources
Faculty of Liaison Psychiatry Annual Conference 2025
Date: 14-16 May 2025
Location: RCPsych London/Livestream
Past editions
- Spring 2021
- Summer 2020
- Winter 2019
- Summer 2019
- Winter 2018
- Spring 2018
- Winter 2017
- Summer 2017
- Winter 2016/2017
- Spring 2016
If you would like to read older editions, please email our archivist.
We invite newsletter submissions relevant to liaison psychiatry including:
- reports on service development
- education
- training
- audits
- conferences and events.
Please note that we do not accept case reports for publication.
Email us with your 1-2 page article and include your name, title, place of work and contact details along with a photo of the primary author.
Faculty reports
- Alternatives to emergency departments for mental health assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Liaison psychiatry and the management of long-term conditions and medically unexplained symptoms
- Framework for routine outcome measurement in Liaison psychiatry - superseded by CR241
- Integrated care for long term physical health conditions and medically unexplained symptoms: a survey of Liaison psychiatry services
College reports
- Safe patients and high-quality services: a guide to job descriptions and job plans for consultant psychiatrists (CR207, November 2017)
- Liaison psychiatry for every acute hospital: Integrated mental and physical healthcare
- Managing Deliberate Self Harm in Young People
- Assessment Following Self-harm in Adults
- Framework for routine outcome measurement in liaison psychiatry (FROM-LP II) (CR241, June 2024)
Consensus statements
Position statements
- The role of liaison psychiatry in integrated physical and mental healthcare
- Provision of liaison psychiatry services across the lifepan
- Position statement on the involvement of anaesthetists in restraint teams
Quality improvement
JISCmail is the national academic mailing list service.
It helps people working in education and research sectors to discuss, debate, collaborate and communicate with peers, experts and partners using mailing lists. Mailing lists are themed around taught subjects, research areas, special interest groups and collaborative project activities.
Liaison psychiatry discussion lists
See our award-winning mental health information on:
Advice for Health Care Workers and patients
WHO Mental Health COVID-19 Guidance
Advice for Patients
COVID-19 Anxiety Leaflet – Oncology Service
Resilience through the pandemic
COVID-19 Mental Health Summary Advice
Clinicians Tools for Assessment and Treatment of Patients
MH Triage and Assessment Frameworks
Prescribing Guidance
Delirium and COVID-19
Delirium COVID- 19 Drug Interactions
Management tips for Suspected Delirium in patients with COVID-19
West London NHS has created a series of videos, hosted on YouTube, for emergency staff.