Supporting you as a trainee or medical student

We are a busy and dynamic faculty made up of all grades of psychiatrist and our Executive is passionate about training and engaging with its trainee members and medical students.

You're the future of old age psychiatry, so we’ve put together some opportunities and useful information to help you.

Q: Do I need to work in both General Adult and Old Age settings to meet the requirements of the 2022 Liaison curriculum

A: No. The curriculum applies to both General and Old Age Psychiatry trainees, but the emphasis is different. A trainee may mostly see patients under the age of 65 but is expected to have some knowledge of old-age conditions such as dementia and delirium.

Q: Do Liaison supervisors have to have Liaison endorsements?

A: No. Clinical and education supervisors for Liaison psychiatry placements don’t have to have an endorsement. The local head of school decides whether they have the skills needed, but a supervisor without an endorsement should be in a Liaison post for a year before supervising higher trainees in Liaison placement. 

Engaging Minds: Webinars for Old Age Psychiatry Higher Trainees is a new series designed specifically for trainees, to give you access to clinical updates, networking opportunities and engagement with experts. Sessions are designed and hosted by the Trainee Representatives from the Old Age Faculty, and are only open to Higher Trainees to attend, thanks to the generous funding support of the Faculty.

Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry Annual Conference, 27-28 March 2025, Liverpool

Title: Improving Psychiatric Care for Older People

Author: Claire Hilton

ISBN: 9783319548135

Summary: A comprehensive account of Barbara Robb and her campaign - Aid for the Elderly in Government Institutions (AEGIS).

TitleMarjorie Prime

Director: Michael Almereyda

Distributor: FilmRise 2017

Synopsis: Marjorie Prime is a provocative film on themes of ageing, loss and mortality. A service that provides holographic recreations of deceased loved ones allows a woman to come face-to-face with the younger version of her late husband.

We've produced videos and interviews with some of our trainees to share their experiences and insights.

Explore our interviews and videos

Our higher trainees (ST4-6) are the next generation of Old Age Psychiatrists. We have higher trainee representatives that sit on the Specialty Advisory Committee (that deals with educational issues) and the Faculty Executive Committee putting forward trainee ideas, needs and views.

If you're interested in Old Age Psychiatry training or you are a higher trainee and want to contribute to the discussion, contact Higher Trainee Representatives Harleen Birgi and Ayana Hazu via

You can also stay in touch with the Faculty via Twitter.

The Specialty Advisory Committee is responsible for advising us on issues relating to training, from local issues to making recommendations to the GMC on the curriculum.

Here is a link to the new Old Age curriculum and the Curricula Implementation Hub.

See more in the College's our training section, where you'll find information on curricula, exams, CPD and more.
Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry