Medical Training Initiative – callout to employers
If you have vacant CT3 psychiatry training posts, converted ST posts, or trust/health board grade posts with sufficient educational and training content, then the RCPsych Medical Training Initiative (MTI) could be for you.
The RCPsych Medical Training Initiative (MTI) provides the opportunity for a small number of Psychiatrists from low- and middle-income countries to train in the UK for up to two years before returning to their home country.
Employing Bodies can benefit from the diversity and experience that MTI Fellows bring, along with their unique insight into patient care.
MTI Fellows can fill vacant CT3 training posts, including converted ST posts, or Trust/Health Board posts which provide sufficient educational and training content.
The RCPsych MTI team provide support throughout the entire process of employing an MTI Fellow and can offer a flexible approach based on the individual needs of the Employing Body.
Interested Employing Bodies can read the RCPsych MTI Employer Guidance Document for more information about the scheme. Employing Bodies can apply to employ an MTI doctor by completing an Employing Body Submission Form and submitting this to The MTI team will quality assure the post before matching the Employing Body with a suitable doctor.
The Employing Body application period will be open from January to March 2023 for doctors to start placements from August 2023, however the RCPsych MTI team is happy to provide a more flexible approach, based on the needs of the individual Employing Body.
There is an Employing Body administrative fee of £750 for each doctor RCPsych successfully matches with a post. The fee allows the RCPsych to continue the scheme and provide a high level of support to both Employing Bodies and MTI Fellows from application right through to the end of placement.
If you are interested in the MTI scheme, or have any questions, please contact the team at