Committee on ECT and related treatments

The Committee on Electroconvulsive Therapy and Related Treatments deals with matters relating to ECT practice across the UK and practice in relation to other physical treatments.

The ECT Handbook – fourth edition

The ECT Handbook, published by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, presents the latest clinical guidelines on the prescription and practical administration of electroconvulsive therapy and related treatments.

Training and accreditation

The committee runs annual ECT Training Days.  For further information and registration view the training courses section.

Position statements on ECT and related treatments

The committee has produced statements setting out its position on ECT and related treatments:

ECT capabilities guide

The aim of this guide is to promote understanding of ECT and the capabilities required for the practice of ECT. The guide is intended to describe the capabilities expected of Core Trainees, Senior Trainees, Prescribing Consultants and ECT Practitioners. 


    To contact the committee email Stephanie Whitehead, Faculty and Committee Manager.

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