Psychopharmacology resources

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Pharmacogenomics and psychiatry

Date and time: 16 October 2024 | 3-4.30pm

Platform: Online via Zoom

Speaker information

In this webinar delegates will be hearing from special guest speaker Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed - David Weatherall Chair of Medicine and NHS Chair of Pharmacogenetics.

What this webinar will cover

  • Evidence of pharmacogenetics in psychiatry
  • Current state of pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry practice
  • Future development in pharmacogenetics

Key learning objectives

  • The evidence for pharmacogenetics in psychiatry
  • Challenges in implementing pharmacogenetics into clinical practice
  • Future research areas for improving the evidence base

Further information and bookings can be made via the event website.

College reports and statements

Relevant articles for trainees

These articles are reproduced with the kind permission of the MEDICINE Journal editorial team and Elsevier publishers

Relevant articles for psychiatrists and non-medical prescribers

Online CPD resources in psychopharmacology

Introduction to psychopharmacology for medical students

These videos, made by Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams, provide a useful introduction to psychopharmacology for medical students and are posted with his permission.

Choosing Wisely UK

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges hosts the Choosing Wisely campaign in the UK, part of which is to identify investigations or interventions of questionable value. The campaign published recommendations for clinicians. Four of the recommendations were for psychiatrists, and three of these concerned psychopharmacology.

From the committee

In support of the Choosing Wisely campaign, the committee produced a list of five suggestions from the field of psychopharmacology.

The College has recently reminded members that they should be able to diagnose neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which is a medical emergency. The committee thought it would be helpful to post an example of the flyer that is a reminder about the diagnosis and immediate management of this syndrome.

From the European Psychiatric Association

The EPA has published the outline of a psychopharmacology-pharmacotherapy curriculum for the training of specialists in psychiatry, which it hopes will be developed at a European level. Access the outline via OpenAthens.

Web resources

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry