Returning after a break

This section provides information and case studies relating to taking and returning from a break. It is part of our section for core trainees, to support you to continue to choose psychiatry.

Returning to work

Psychiatrists take a break for many reasons - to start a family, to travel, simply to step away from training and to practise medicine without having to study.

But what is it like to return to work - or to return to higher training - after a break? How supported will you be?

Dr Charlotte Heaps

We start with Dr Charlotte Heaps, who intended to take 12-18 months away from work and ended up taking nine years. Listen to her inspiring story of how she ended up rejoining the workforce, including what turned out to be easier than she expected, what was challenging, and her advice for others thinking of returning.

Dr Lindsay Solera-Deuchar

Dr Lindsay Solera-Deuchar speaks about the amazing things she did in her three year break after Core Training and why she thinks it is so important to return to Higher Training. 

Dr Samira Malik

Now we hear from Dr Samira Malik, one of the stars of the 2022 Choose Psychiatry campaign. who took a break from training to start a family.

Dr Fiona Duncan

Dr Fiona Duncan returned to Higher Training after more than 10 years. Fiona thinks of her choice as 'one of the best things i have ever done'.

Read her inspiring blog post 'I could do that!'.

Dr Raka Maitra

Dr Raka Maitra believes for some people it makes perfect sense to have a break and there are many benefits to it. But as someone who returned to training herself, she strongly believes in the benefits of coming back to Higher Training.

In her blog post Taking a break from training, and returning she explains why.

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