MAEP newsletter and resources

Find out more about the MAEP newsletter and other useful resources.

Expert Healthcare Witness Matters

Expert Healthcare Witness Matters is a monthly newsletter sent by the MAEP team on behalf of Professor Keith Rix and Dr Duncan Harding. It includes helpful information for expert healthcare witnesses who provide assistance to courts and tribunals, such as updates on recent cases, a compendium of judgments, links to training events and other matters of interest.

Subscribe to Expert Healthcare Witness Matters

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Past newsletter issues

To obtain past editions of the Expert Healthcare Witness Matters newsletter, please contact the MAEP team and specify the month of interest. Please note that the newsletter and associated case summaries and commentaries are distributed within our closed network of experts and members for educational purposes only.

Other resources

Depending on your area of expertise, you may find the following useful.

The guidance in RCPsych's College Report CR193 is intended to ensure that psychiatrists who provide expert evidence to courts and tribunals adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards in fulfilling this important public function. You can download the report here: 

College Report CR193, Responsibilities of psychiatrists who provide expert evidence to courts and tribunals

For those clinicians undertaking peer reviews, this Case-based Discussion (CbD) form developed by Professor Keith Rix may be helpful:

Case-based Discussion form

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry