ECTAS minimum dataset

ECTAS collects data about ECT treatment in England, Wales, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in two ways:

  • Accreditation - ECTAS member clinics submit data for their self-review every three years
  • Minimum dataset - ECT clinics routinely submit data on each course of acute and maintenance ECT they deliver.

Please note that the dataset will close to submissions for courses of treatment in 2023 on Wednesday 31 January 2024.

The ECTAS dataset was re-launched in 2021 to run continuously from January - December. Clinic leads have been sent their clinic's individual link to submit data directly.

If you have any questions about the dataset, please contact the ECTAS project team at

If you're a member of ECTAS, you can complete your self-review checklist and upload evidence on our online College Accreditation and Review Service (CARS). You can also check your survey returns and download your report from CARS. If you've forgotten your username or password, please contact us

Your lead contact with ECTAS will have been emailed unique survey links for patient & carer surveys, referring psychiatrist surveys and the health record audit. You can also find the links, and the number of returns so far, under 'Survey dashboard' on your CARS main dashboard.

Data on the use of ECT treatment in England, Wales, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is published each year by the ECTAS team. 

Data collection began in 2012. You can download copies of all published dataset reports below.

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