COVID-19: Change packages
We've created change packages to address key areas of practice that we've identified as requiring significant change for those working in mental health services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
These packages are designed to provide accessible support for teams who want to make improvements in these areas. They consist of:
- a shared theory for achieving your aim, developed from changes being made to practice in response to COVID-19 (driver diagram)
- examples of positive changes that have been made by mental health teams
- a list of resources developed by mental health services and affiliated organisations.
The change packages are available for anyone to use.
To join the network or for any questions about the change packages, please email us at
Communication: with families and carers, patients, and staff
This package is designed to help teams in mental health services to improve communication with families and carers, patients and staff during COVID-19.
The driver diagram below outlines the change ideas that are explained in this change package.
Reducing Restrictive Practice
This package is designed to help teams in mental health services to prevent a rise in the use of restrictive practices during COVID-19.
The driver diagram below outlines the change ideas that are explained in this change package.

Share your experiences
If you've made any changes in response to COVID-19 that you'd like to share, complete our online form or email us at
You can also use the hashtag #MHSIPCV19 on Twitter.