QuITT resources
Here you'll find a range of resources for the Quality Improvement in Tobacco Treatment, including quality improvement tools, along with our regular newsletters.
If you have any questions, please contact us at quitt@rcpsych.ac.uk.
View the QuITT information leaflet
This leaflet has been created by patients/carers and professionals working together (co-produced), and is designed to inform patients, carers and staff about the project, and encourage them to get involved.
Please edit the bright blue text in this leaflet to include local contact details, and information about payment and support for people with lived experience. Ensure it reaches people e.g. read it out at ward community meetings, ask your service user involvement department (or equivalent) to share the opportunity, email it to staff.
The Equality Act (2010) places a legal obligation on the NHS to make Reasonable Adjustments to ensure that health services are accessible to all people with disabilities, including mental health conditions.
Staff leadership and those involved in the project will need to consider how to meet their legal obligations under the Equality Act (2010), ensuring that all patients and staff members are able to fully participate in this work, e.g. translate this leaflet into languages relevant to your local area, offer people support to read the leaflet, support people to join meetings, offer communication support, and many other adjustments (see this document at leonardcheshire.org for advice on adjustments).