Dementia pathway
Access our short implementation guide for dementia care (NCCMH, 2017), the dementia care pathway full implementation guidance (plus appendices and helpful resources; 2018), and a related coding resource (Excel) with SNOMED codes (2018).
"I am able to make decisions, and I know what to do to help myself, and who else can help."
As set out in the Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia 2020 and the Five Year Forward View, good evidence-based dementia care is of prime importance in order to increase the number of people being diagnosed and starting treatment, and improve post-diagnostic support.
- You can find out more about the policy drivers and strategic context for transforming dementia care in our short guide to dementia care (2017).
- The dementia care pathway: full implementation guidance (2018) outlines the pathway and associated benchmarks to support improvements in the delivery and
quality of care and support, for people living with dementia and their families and carers. It accompanies, and builds on a shorter guide published by NHS England above and contains key commissioning and service development considerations.
- The dementia care pathway: appendices and helpful resources (2018) includes a diagram of the full pathway, a summary of NICE recommended care for people along the Dementia Well Pathway, information on HEE’s Dementia Core Skills Education and Training Framework and on NHS England Dementia: Good Care Planning, guidance for recording dementia care pathway benchmarks in the MHSDS, recommendations for outcomes measurement and examples of services who are already providing high-quality care and elements of the pathways and some helpful web-based resources.
- The coding resource (Excel) (2018) links to 'Section 4: Good Care Planning' in the Dementia Care Pathway: appendices and helpful resources (above). It was developed to support the pathway, the D.E.M.E.N.T.I.A framework set out by the NHS in Dementia: Good Care Planning - information for primary care and commissioners and the transition to SNOMED in primary care. The coding resource spans the core components which constitute the minimum information that should be included in dementia care planning and offers a frame of reference and a view of the depth and breadth of the areas to address in dementia care planning.
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