South West Division Annual Dinner

About our Annual Dinner

The Division holds an Annual Dinner each year hosted by the Executive Committee, which all members of the South West Division are welcome to attend. 

Free places are offered to new members in the Division to celebrate obtaining their MRCPsych, to new CT1s, and to new Fellows in recognition of this prestigious award. 


Previous Annual Dinners


After a two-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were delighted to host the 2022 Annual Dinner on 19 May at the Mercure Rougemont Hotel, Exeter.  After dinner, Professor David Nutt gave a fascinating talk on his experiences.

The good food, great conversation and pleasant surroundings all made this an enjoyable evening and gave everyone an opportunity to catch up with colleagues from around the south west and congratulate new CT1s, new Members and recently appointed Fellows of the College.


The 2019 Annual Dinner took place on 21 November at the M Shed museum, Bristol. 

Diners were invited to explore the interesting exhibits, before sitting down for a three-course meal.  We were fortunate to have Professor Peter Tyrer speaking after the dinner.

It was a very enjoyable evening and we were delighted to also formally congratulate new CT1s, new Members and recently appointed Fellows of the College.


The 2018 Annual Dinner took place on 15 November at We The Curious, Bristol.

It was a very enjoyable evening and we were delighted to formally congratulate those who recently obtained their Membership and the new Fellows in the Division. 

Dr Angela Rouncefield, South West Retired Doctors Representative, was our After Dinner Speaker and gave an inspiring talk entitled 'Genesis to Evolution: A Tale of one Psychiatrist's Journey'.


The 2017 Annual Dinner was held at the exciting We The Curious museum (formerly known as @Bristol) on 16 November.

Attendees were able to explore the stimulating exhibits, before sitting down for a delicious three-course dinner. After dinner, the College’s CEO Paul Rees gave an exciting speech.

The evening was a great opportunity to socialise, network, and hear the latest news on the College and the world of Psychiatry.

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