About HoPSIG

Find out more about the History of Psychiatry Special Interest Group (HoPSIG) below.
  • Raise awareness of the value of understanding the history of psychiatry.
  • Encourage research into the history of psychiatry, including the history of the RCPsych.
  • Be a forum for psychiatrists wishing to research HoP, to find others with shared interests and to discuss research ideas and work in progress.
  • Facilitate networking with academic historians.
  • Welcome non-College members who are interested in HoP, including people with medical and non-medical backgrounds.
  • Keep people informed via a webpage and newsletter.
  • Organise workshops and conferences about the history of psychiatry, including about historical methodology and resources.
  • Organise history sessions at annual International Congress, and with Faculties and Divisions.
  • Liaise with, and support, the RCPsych archives department, e.g. producing exhibitions, introducing online systems to facilitate archive access.
  • Graham Ash – Chair and Hon. Archivist
  • Tom Stephenson – Financial Officer, Honorary Secretary and Twitter Manager
  • George Ikkos – Past Chair
  • Peter Carpenter – Past Financial Officer
  • Francis Maunze – Archivist
  • Fiona Watson – Library and Archives Manager
  • Nicol Ferrier – Newsletter Editor
  • Lydia Thurston – Newsletter Editor
  • Claire Hilton – Historian in Residence
  • John Hall – Committee member
  • Mohammed Ibrahim – Trainee
  • Mutahira Qureshi – Trainee, Newsletter Assistant Editor
  • Gordon Bates – Committee member
  • Rachel Jenkins – Committee member
  • John Mason – Committee member
  • Alastair Robson – Committee member
  • Angela Rouncefield – Committee member
  • Marius Turda – Committee member
  • Wendy Wang – Committee member
  • Jane Wittaker – Committee member
  • Ute Oswald – Committee member
  • Grace O'Regan – Competition co-ordinator
  • Caroline Hayes – Competition co-ordinator

If you would like to contribute to the website please contact Claire Hilton.

Please see under Newsletters if you would like to write for our newsletter.

We are also on twitter @rcpsychHoPSIG

Send your research queries and ideas to Claire Hilton if you would like to see them posted on our site.

Contact us

If you have any enquiries about the HoPSIG please contact sigs@rcpsych.ac.uk.

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