Eating disorders reports and resources
College reports
- Managing transitions when the patient has an eating disorder (CR208, November 2017)
- Safe patients and high-quality services: a guide to job descriptions and job plans for consultant psychiatrists (CR207, November 2017)
- Parents as patients: Supporting the needs of patients who are parents and their children (CR164 January 2011)
Consensus statements
- Consensus statement on considerations for treating vegan patients with eating disorders (March 2019)
Position statements
- Early intervention for eating disorders (May 2019)
- Improving core skills and competence in risk assessment and management of people with eating disorders: What all doctors need to know (October 2020)
Position paper
- ED Faculty response to MHRA review: Laxative abuse in eating disorders
Managing emergencies in eating disorders
- Medical emergencies in eating disorders (MEED) Guidance on recognition and management (CR233, May 2022)
- Managing Emergencies in Eating Disorders. Pan-Age Physical and Psychiatric Risk Assessment Tool for Eating Disorder Patients
Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia (MaRSiPAN) reports
Find out more and become a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders.
Eating disorders - initial assessment in primary care (the BMJ visual summary)
- Physiotherapy Guidance Notes for Exercise and Physical Activity in Adult Patients with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
- NICE guidelines for eating disorders
- NICE guidelines for Nutrition Support for Adults
- HEOPS Fitness to Study for Students with Severe Eating Disorders: Guidance, Higher Education Occupational Practitioners’ Society.
- CWTCH Cymru: Ready, Set, Go. A Step-by-Step Toolkit for Getting Telepsychiatry Ready, Set & Go
- Social and economic cost of eating disorders in the United States of America - Report for the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders and the Academy for Eating Disorders (June 2020)
Our mental health information
For adults
For parents and young people
- Worries about weight and eating problems: for young people
- Eating disorders in young people: for parents and carers
- For adults
Charities, communities and helplines
- AED: Academy for Eating Disorders
- BEAT: Beat eating disorders
- ABC: Anorexia and Bulimia Care
- FEAST: Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders
- FIXERS: Young people using their past to fix the future!
- FREED: First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders gives young people aged 16 to 25 rapid access to specialised evidence-based treatment and support tailored to their needs, for a better chance of full recovery
- tastelife: providing tools for recovery for those who struggle with eating disorders and for their supporters.
MindEd Feeding or Eating Disorders Hub
The MindEd feeding or eating disorders hub provides tips for professionals on supporting adults or infants, children and young people with feeding and eating disorders and access to collated learning resources for professionals working with people of all ages.
MindEd key and influential texts
This section of the MindEd Eating Disorders Hub provides access to selected key texts on adult eating disorders.
Consider eating disorders in men – eLearning
Eating disorders are challenging to care for, and in men they can be even more tricky to diagnose. A new animated 60-mins course voiced by male experts by experience provides insight, clinical top tips, evidence-informed advice and treatment guidance. The course was developed by The University of Nottingham (Heike Bartel) and KCL (Una Foye) with clinical and creative partners, men with lived experience and eating disorders charities.
Find out more about the eLearning course
First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED)
FREED is an innovative treatment approach to help young people with eating disorders as early as possible for a better chance of full recovery.
Eating Disorders Training for Medical Students and Foundation Doctors
This training was developed in response to the PHSO investigation into avoidable deaths from eating disorders as outlined in recommendations from the report titled Ignoring the Alarms: How NHS Eating Disorder Services Are Failing Patients (PHSO, 2017). It is the result of collaboration between Beat, Health Education England and the Faculty of Eating Disorders and is designed to ensure that all medical students and foundation doctors are trained to understand, identify and respond appropriately when faced with a patient with a possible eating disorder.
Find out more about the training
Educational videos for medical students and trainees
The Faculty of Eating Disorders working with Tallulah Self, a young expert with lived experience and a film-maker and editor, has created three educational videos to increase awareness of eating disorders in medical students, foundation doctors, junior and senior trainees in primary care and relevant specialities.
Each video is approximately 6-8 minutes long and has powerful, lived narratives from three young experts by experience, the voice of a carer representative, and key learning points from Eating Disorder Psychiatrists. References and links for
care and crisis pathways, guidance for further reading and details of support organisations for patients and carers are included.
Eating Disorders: Signs, Symptoms and Support with Dr Kiran Chitale
Assessment and Management of Risk in Eating Disorders with Dr Caz Nahman
Family, Ethics and the Law with Dr Jacinta Tan
Eating Disorders - MDT Discussion around Nasogastric Feeding and Restraint
Increasing numbers of children and young people are requiring admission to paediatric wards with restrictive eating, and physical compromise. This video is a FICTIONAL account of a multiprofessional discussion regarding Nasogastric feeding, and the potential for restrictive practices and restraint, with consideration of legal frameworks. Those involved in this teaching are clinicians involved in this work regularly. The video itself forms part of a teaching day run by the Royal College of Paediatrics.
Medical emergencies in eating disorders - a patient perspective
A short presentation on how to support eating disorders patients in emergency medical care.