The RCPsych's Faculty of Intellectual Disability has welcomed a new report from Bristol University which considers the reasons for the higher number of premature deaths among people with learning disabilities, and recommends actions to prevent them.
In a statement, the Faculty said: “We welcome the fourth report of the Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) from the University of Bristol.
"We commend the Review for continuing to highlight the health needs of people with intellectual disability that contribute to avoidable deaths.
"Pneumonia and aspiration pneumonia are still the highest causes of death. We are concerned that deaths of younger people with intellectual disability are high among people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.
"The Faculty strongly supports the recommendation to create the senior medical role of Learning Disability Physician in the NHS that would facilitate the delivery of more timely and integrated care to people with such complex health needs.
"We call upon local providers, NHSE and the Dept. of Health and Social Care to implement the LeDeR recommendations.”