POMH resources
Calendar-style planners have been developed to help our members plan their audit activities. The calendars show the expected time periods for data collection, data submission and reporting by POMH.
Please note that:
- calendars may be revised throughout the year – always check you’re referring to the latest version
- the expected reporting period will depend on the size of the data set and analysis required. We advise members of any changes to reporting periods once data cleaning and the preliminary analysis is complete.
- we provide the audit tool and other support materials one month before data collection begins, to help members plan and publicise their data collection
- data collection and online submission periods are stated separately on our calendars to help guide and assist local planning; these activities and timescales may overlap according to local requirements.
2024 planner
You can download our calendar for 2024.
2025 planner
Our calendar for 2025 is also available.
The 15-year anniversary report celebrates the achievements of POMH members and highlights the wider impact of our data in furthering evidence-based practice.
Our 10-year report is available to download. It summarises the quality improvement achieved by our participating members since our programme began in 2005.
The data and findings of our quality improvement programmes have led to a number of publications. A list of POMH papers in peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations and posters is provided below.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Paton C, Bassett P, Rendora O, Barnes TRE (2024). Exploring the clinical factors affecting lithium dose and plasma level and the effect of brand. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology ;14. doi:10.1177/20451253241285883
Barnes TRE, Bishara D, Burns A, Myint PK, Rendora O, Edokpolor Pernia EM, Paton C (2024). Understanding the medication regimens associated with anticholinergic burden in older people’s mental health services in the UK. BJPsych Open, 10(5), e167. doi:10.1192/bjo.2024.788
Paton C, Gringras P, Ruan A, Rendora O, Bove G, Barnes TRE (2024) Quality of melatonin use in children and adolescents: findings from a UK clinical audit. BMJ Ment Health 2024;27:e300894.
Sinclair J, Barnes TRE, Lingford-Hughes A, Drummond C, Loubser I, Rendora O, Paton C (2023). Management of medically assisted withdrawal from alcohol in acute adult mental health and specialist addictions in-patient services: UK clinical audit findings. BJPsych Open, 9(3), E61. doi:10.1192/bjo.2023.45
Paton C, Citrome L, Fernandez-Egea E, Rendora O, Barnes TRE (2022). Who is prescribed valproate and how carefully is this treatment reviewed in UK mental health services? Data from a clinical audit. Journal of Psychopharmacology
Barnes TRE, MacCabe J, Kane JM, Delgado O, Khan M, Paton C (2022). Prescribing clozapine in the UK: Quality improvement issues identified by clinical audit. Journal of Psychopharmacology
Cousins DA, Barnes TRE, Young AH, Delgado O, Paton C (2022). Plus ça change? Switching lithium preparations. BJPsych Bulletin
Paton C, Roy A, Purandare K, Rendora O, Barnes TRE (2021). Prescribing antipsychotic medication for adults with intellectual disability: Shared responsibilities between mental health services and primary care. BJPsych Bulletin
Paton C, Craig TKJ, McConnell B, Barnes TRE (2021) Side-effect monitoring of continuing LAI antipsychotic medication in UK adult mental health services. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
Barnes TRE, MacCabe JH, Kane JM, Delgado O, Paton C (2020) The physical health and side-effect monitoring of patients prescribed clozapine: data from a clinical audit conducted in UK mental health services. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
Paton C, Anderson IM, Cowen PJ, Delgado O, Barnes TRE (2020) Prescribing for moderate or severe unipolar depression in patients under the long-term care of UK adult mental health services. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
Paton C, Adams CE, Dye S, Delgado O, Okocha C, Barnes TRE (2019). Physical health monitoring after rapid tranquillisation: clinical practice in UK mental health services. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology https://doi.org/10.1177/2045125319895839
Paton C, Cookson J, Ferrier IN, Bhatti SF, Fagan E, Barnes TRE. A UK clinical audit addressing the quality of prescribing of sodium valproate for bipolar disorder in women of child-bearing age BMJ Open 2018;8:e020450. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020450
Paton C, Bhatti S, Purandare K, Roy A, Barnes TRE. Quality of prescribing of antipsychotic medication for people with intellectual disability under the care of UK mental health services: a cross-sectional audit of clinical practice. BMJ Open 2016 6: doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013116
Barnes TRE, Bhatti SF, Adroer R, Paton C. Screening for the metabolic side effects of antipsychotic medication:findings of a 6-year quality improvement programme in the UK.BMJ Open 2015 5: doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007633
Paton C, Crawford MJ, Bhatti SF, Patel MX, Barnes TRE. The use of psychotropic medication in patients with emotionally unstable personality disorder under the care of UK mental health services. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2015;76:e512-e518.
Paton C, Barnes TRE. Undertaking clinical audit, with reference to a Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health audit of lithium monitoring. The Psychiatric Bulletin, 2014, 38: 128-131.
Paton C, Adroer R, Barnes TRE. Monitoring lithium therapy: the impact of a quality improvement programme in the UK. Bipolar Disorder 2013, 15: 865-875.
Barnes TRE, Banerjee S, Collins N, Treloar A, McIntyre S, Paton C. Antipsychotics in dementia: prevalence and quality of antipsychotic drug prescribing in UK mental health services. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2012, 201:221-226.
Barnes TRE, Drake MJ, Paton C. Nocturnal enuresis with antipsychotic medication. Editorial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2012;200:7-9.
Barnes TRE, Paton C. Role of the Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2012, 201; 428-429.
Price O, Baker J, Paton C, Barnes TRE. Patient Group Directions: a safe and effective practice? British Journal of Nursing. 2012, 21: 26-31.
Barnes TRE, Paton C. Antipsychotic polypharmacy in schizophrenia: benefits and risks. CNS Drugs 2011. 25 (5): 383-399.
Barnes TRE, Paton C. Improving prescribing practice in psychiatry: The experience of the Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health (POMH-UK). International Review of Psychiatry. 2011, 23: 328-335.
Barnes TRE, Paton C. Uncertainties page: Do antidepressants improve negative symptoms in schizophrenia? BMJ 2011, 342; d3371.
Paton C, Flynn A, Shingleton-Smith A, McIntyre S, Bhaumik S, Rasmussen J, Hardy S, Barnes TRE. Nature and quality of antipsychotic prescribing practice in UK psychiatry of learning disability services: findings of a national audit. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2011. 55; 665-674.
Paton C, McIntyre S, Bhatti SF, Shingleton-Smith A, Gray R, Gerrett D, Barnes TRE. Medicines reconciliation on admission to inpatient psychiatric care; findings from a UK quality improvement programme. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2011, 4; 101-110.
Shingleton-Smith A, Paton C, Barnes TRE. Antipsychotics: combined and high dose. In, 101 Recipes for Audit in Psychiatry. Edited by C Oakley, et al. 2011, 185-186.
Barnes TRE, Paton C. Medication recommendations in the updated NICE guideline for the treatment and management of schizophrenia. Die Psychiatrie 2010, 7;18-24.
Collins N, Barnes TR, Shingleton-Smith A, Gerrett D, Paton C. Standards of lithium monitoring in mental health trusts in the UK. BMC Psychiatry 2010;10:80.
Gerrett D, Lamont T, Paton C, Barnes TRE, Shah A. Prescribing and monitoring lithium therapy: summary of a safety report from the National Patient Safety Agency. BMJ 2010. 341: c6258.
Paton C, Barnes TRE, Shingleton-Smith A, McAllister-Williams RH, Kirkbride J, Jones P, McIntyre S. Lithium in bipolar and other affective disorders: prescribing practice in the UK. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2010;24:1739-1746.
Pope A, Adams C, Paton C, Weaver T, Barnes TRE. Assessment of adverse effects in clinical studies of antipsychotic medication: survey of methods used. British Journal of Psychiatry 2010. 197; 67-72.
Barnes TRE, Shingleton-Smith A, Paton C. Antipsychotic long-acting injections: prescribing practice in the UK. British Journal of Psychiatry 2009. 195 (Suppl); 37-42.
James L, Paton C, Lelliott P, Barnes TRE, Taylor D. Mood stabilisers and teratogenicity – prescribing practice and awareness amongst practicing psychiatrists. Journal of Mental Health 2009. 18; 137-143.
Perecherla S, Paton C, Shingleton-Smith A, Barnes TRE. Variations in prescribing patterns for anti-dementia drugs across PCT populations. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 2009, vol 13, issue 4; 30-33.
Barnes TRE, Paton C, Hancock E, Cavanagh MR, Taylor D, Lelliott P, on behalf of the UK Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health. Screening for the metabolic syndrome in community psychiatric patients prescribed antipsychotics: a quality improvement programme. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2008, 118; 26-33.
Paton C, Barnes TRE, Cavanagh MR, Taylor D, Lelliott P. High-dose and combination antipsychotic prescribing in acute adult wards in the UK: the challenges posed by PRN prescribing. British Journal of Psychiatry 2008. 192; 435-439.
Barnes TRE, Paton C, Cavanagh M, Hancock E, Taylor DM. A UK audit of screening for the metabolic side effects of antipsychotics in community patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin 200., 33; 1397-1403.
James L, Barnes TRE, Lelliott P, Taylor D, Paton C. Informing patients of the teratogenic potential of mood stabilizing drugs: a case note review of the practice of psychiatrists. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2007. 21; 815-819.
Paton C, Whittington C, Barnes TRE. Augmentation with a second antipsychotic in patients with schizophrenia who partially respond to clozapine; a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2007. 27; 198-204.
Conference presentations and posters
Paton C, Bhatti SF, Cookson J, Ferrier IN, Barnes TRE. Valproate for bipolar disorder: the quality of prescribing practice in the UK. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2016:30 (suppl.):A96.
Paton C, Bhatti SF, Purandare K, Roy A, Barnes TRE. The quality of prescribing of psychotropic medicines for people with intellectual disability under the care of UK mental health services. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2016:30 (suppl.):A110
Barnes TRE, Bhatti SF, Adroer R, Paton C. Screening for cardio-metabolic risk factors in people on continuing antipsychotic medication: a six-year, UK quality improvement programme. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2015, 29 (suppl. to issue 8); A79
Paton C, Chee S, Drummond C, Lingford-Hughes A, Loubser I, Barnes TRE. Medically assisted withdrawal from alcohol: an audit of practice in acute adult psychiatric wards in the UK conducted by the Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health (POMH-UK). Journal of Psychopharmacology 2015, 29 (suppl. to issue 8);A109
Paton C, Adroer R, Barnes TRE. Prescribing practice for ADHD in children, adolescents and adults in the UK (abstract). Journal of Psychopharmacology 2014: 28 (Suppl.) (8):A123.
Barnes TRE, Chee S, Paton C. Prescribing of anti-dementia drugs in the UK (abstract). Journal of Psychopharmacology 2014: 28 (Suppl.) (8):A69
Barnes TRE. Towards a collaborative intervention that improves the lives of patients with schizophrenia: clinicians as drivers of policy change. 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry, 1-4 March 2014, Munich.
Pope A, Paton C, Shingleton-Smith A, McIntyre S, Hancock E, Baker J, Haddad P, Barnes TRE. The quality of side effect monitoring in people prescribed long-acting antipsychotic injections. BAP summer meeting 26-29 July 2009, Oxford.
Paton C, Barnes TRE, Shingleton-Smith A, McAllister-Williams H, McIntyre S on behalf of the POMH-UK project team. Prescribing patterns with lithium in unipolar depression and bipolar disorder. BAP summer meeting 26-29 July 2009, Oxford.
Pope A. ‘Methods Used to Assess Adverse Effects in a Sample of Reports of Clinical Studies of Antipsychotic Medication’. International Congress of Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, 30 March 2009.
Adams S, Barnes TRE, Paton C, Inglis G. 'Benchmarking Prescribing Practice'. Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Imperial College, London, 1-4 July 2008.
Paton C, Barnes TRE, Brooke D, Petch E, Shingleton-Smith A. Prevalence of, and rationale for, the prescription of high-dose and combined antipsychotics in forensic settings in the UK. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2008, Abstract suppl to vol 22. A44.
Barnes TRE, Paton C, Cavanagh MR, Hancock E, Taylor DM, Lelliott P on behalf of the POMH-UK project team. A UK audit of screening for the metabolic syndrome in community psychiatric patients prescribed antipsychotics. BAP summer meeting 2007. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2007, Abstract suppl to vol 21; TD 21. A61.
Paton C. Current issues in psychopharmacology. Maudsley Mediterranean Forum, Palermo, Sicily, 21-24 October 2007.
Paton C, Barnes TRE, Cavanagh M, Lelliott P, Taylor D, on behalf of the POMH-UK project team. Findings of a quality improvement project on the prescription of high-dose and combined antipsychotics for acute adult psychiatric patients. BAP summer meeting 2007. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2007, Abstract suppl to vol 21; TD 19. A61.
Barnes TRE, Paton C, Hancock E, Cavanagh M, Taylor D, Lelliott P, and the POMH-UK project team. Screening for the metabolic syndrome in people receiving antipsychotic medication in assertive outreach teams: Results of the POMH-UK baseline audit (abstract). ICOSR, Broadmoor, Colorado, March 2007. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2007; 33:494.
Paton C, Barnes TRE, Lelliott P, Taylor D. Prescribing audit of high dose and combined antipsychotics for patients on adult acute and psychiatric intensive care wards. BAP summer meeting 2006. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2006, Abstract suppl to vol 20; A22.
Paton C, Whittington C, Barnes TRE. Augmentation of clozapine with a second antipsychotic for treatment resistant schizophrenia: a meta-analysis. BAP summer meeting 2006. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2006, Abstract suppl to vol 20; A22.
Prescribing antipsychotics for people with dementia
POMH-UK features in MHRA Drug Safety Update
Related articles
Tyrer P, Cooper S-A, Hassiotis A. Drug treatments in people with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour. BMJ 2014; 349 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g4323 (Published 04 July 2014). To cite: BMJ 2014;349:g4323
Glover G, Bernard S, Branford D, Hollard A, Strydom, A. Use of medication for challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability. BJPsych 2014; 205, 6-7.
POMH is committed to improving the prescribing practice of specialist mental health Trusts and healthcare organisations. Service users can play an important role within their service as part of this process, which we wholeheartedly support.
As a service user, you can make a particularly important contribution in the development of change interventions to improve prescribing within your service. You can advise on what measures you and other service users find the most helpful and effective.
You can see whether your service is a member of POMH by checking our list of member organisations.
We encourage our members to include service users within their local POMH team, and that someone from the local team attend user group meetings to talk about what is being done in the Trust, enabling service users to be involved.
You can find out more about the prescribing topics addressed by POMH on our Quality Improvement Programme pages. For more information on the work of POMH, please check our FAQs or contact us.
Where else can I get information about medication or being in hospital?
If you have a general query regarding mental health care or medication, we recommend you visit one or more of the links below, all of which have excellent information.
The British National Formulary:
The British National Formulary is where most doctors get their information about medication. It lists all drugs with the maximum dose and side effects. It also gives charts of medications that interact badly with each other. It is updated every year.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE):
This is the body that makes recommendations about medication and treatment based on clinical evidence to the NHS. View NICE guidelines about mental health problems.
A mental health charity which supports people who have mental health problems. They provide information leaflets on medication.
A mental health charity that supports people who have mental health problems and their carers. They also work with the Cochrane Collaboration to provide plain language summaries about pharmacological and psychotherapeutic trials of treatments for schizophrenia.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC):
If someone is in hospital under the Mental Health Act you have certain rights. The CQC visits psychiatric hospitals to check whether the care being given is of good enough quality. They are available to talk to the detained patients at that time.
The MHRA 'Yellow Card' scheme:
If someone has a have a side effect that has not been listed for that medication, they can report it to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency by downloading a form from this site, filling it in and sending it back to them.
How patient-centred is your care? Do you involve your patients in decision-making in an open and non-directive way?
The Royal College of Psychiatrists has published an online CPD module that addresses these issues, entitled: How patient-centred are you? Shared decision-making in psychiatric practice.
These online learning modules for mental health professionals provide a flexible, interactive way of keeping up to date with progress in mental health.
Modules last between 30 and 90 minutes. Only College members who are practicing psychiatrists can use the modules/podcasts to gain CPD credits, however many other mental health professionals subscribe to the website and use the modules for purely learning purposes.
The cost for 12 months is £54 for College members and £128 for non-members.