Peer reviewer training

As part of the accreditation process, memory services receive a peer review from a team made up of two professionals from other memory services, a service user or carer representative and a member of our MSNAP team.

What does the training involve?

  • Training to become a peer reviewer takes one day and is free; we hold training days several times a year spread across the country.
  • The training day is structured like a peer review day and involves guidance and group exercises to give you an idea of how the peer review visit works.
  • Training days are eligible for your CPD programme.
  • For people with dementia and their carers, we will book or reimburse travel, as well as paying a session fee of £100/day.

Who can be a peer reviewer? 

  • People who work in a memory service or memory clinic which is a member of MSNAP.
  • People with dementia, who have experience using a memory service.
  • People who care or have cared for someone with dementia, who have experience using a memory service.

Benefits of being a peer reviewer

  • Being a peer reviewer gives you the chance to visit other clinics in the UK, and for memory service staff and clinicians this means becoming part of a network where you can share ideas and resources. 
  • Many of our staff and clinician reviewers value the experience and find it particularly helpful when preparing for their own peer review.
  • As a person with dementia or a carer, you will join us in our aim to improve the quality of services that assess and diagnose dementia.

How do I apply?

  • If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer or an honorary lead reviewer, please get in touch with us at
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