
National report

The third PLAN National Report was published in June 2022, and contains data collected from PLAN member teams during 2018-2020. The report contains themes from liaison psychiatry services including areas of achievement and good practice, as well as areas that may require improvement, and recommendations. The report also includes overall contextual information amongst services, executive summaries of the data collected, and patient, carer and staff feedback.

PLAN National Report, 2018-2020 (5th edition standards)


Useful links 

Helpful documents for PLAN teams

If you'd like ideas on how to create a patient leaflet or tips on helping your team improve its self -review responses, see the helpful documents below.

The 'Northumberland Liaison Psychiatry and Self-Harm team' at Greenacres kindly provided us with the patient information template. This can be amended with your own team information and given to patients after an assessment.

The 'Older Adult Psychiatry liaison service' at the Royal London Hospital provided us with the discharge letter template, which can be used to copy in information about an assessment to the patient, the hospital consultant and the patient's GP. Again, this can be amended as necessary.

Online CPD modules

You may find these online modules useful.

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