Early intervention in psychosis (EIP) pathway
Access the guidance and resources (NCCMH, 2016) and SNOMED reporting/recording guidance (updated 2022) for commissioners and providers of care to people experiencing first-episode psychosis.
“Once I had accessed EI, I immediately felt safer, less intimidated by the prospect of what I was going through and my recovery began.”
In response to the Mental Health Taskforce, there was a drive to make sure people experiencing first-episode psychosis have timely access to evidence-based care. The NCCMH developed the following documents to support this, commissioned by NHS England.
The documents
- Implementing the EIP access and waiting time standard: guidance describes in detail how commissioners and providers can implement the pathway for EIP services.
- Implementing the early intervention access and waiting time standard: resources accompanies the Guidance, providing commissioners and providers with helpful resources to support the implementation.
EIP recording and reporting on NICE-recommended interventions (updated November 2022) provides guidance for services delivering care to people experiencing a first episode of psychosis. It describes how to record and report on interventions and outcomes using SNOMED codes, and how to submit the data to NHS Digital as part of the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS).
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