NHS Talking Therapies, for anxiety and depression
Find out about our work on NHS Talking Therapies, for anxiety and depression (formerly known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies, IAPT) services, and access the published documents.
The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health set out a commitment to expand and improve psychological therapy services, aiming to increase access to psychological therapies for 600,000 more people with common mental health problems each year. This includes people with long-term conditions (LTC) and medically unexplained symptoms.
"I can go to one place, which is local to me, to receive care for my mental and physical needs. My mental health problem will be treated with the same urgency, compassion and respect as my physical health problem."
Below, access The NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression Manual, for delivering services (version 7, updated 2024).
Access our NHS Talking Therapies pathway for people with long-term conditions (LTC) and medically unexplained symptoms (2018), commissioned by NHS England.
Access our report on the early implementers of then-IAPT LTC services (2018), and our policy review of ethnic inequalities in IAPT (2023).
We also developed The NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression Manual (formerly known as The IAPT Manual), which is for all commissioners, providers and clinicians of services that deliver psychological therapies. It is an essential handbook for NHS Talking Therapies services, describing the model in detail and how to deliver it, with a focus on the importance of providing National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)-recommended care:
The NCCMH was commissioned by the NHS Race and Health Observatory to conduct a policy review and develop a set of recommendations on how services can improve access,
outcomes and experience for people from minoritised ethnic groups. Visit the Ethnic Inequalities in IAPT Policy Review webpage to read the report and recommendations.
The following report was produced in collaboration with UCL and evaluates Wave 1 of the IAPT LTC early implementer sites: